who would want me, whole of me, not just
my body,” I talk like someone who has a body to die for. Gah.
    “I am grateful for the wisdom you have been
entrusted with by the Almighty because I don’t have to deal
with tantrums.”
    “I am grateful that you’ve pursued me for a
year because if you stopped on the 11th month, we’re doomed.” We
    “I am grateful that you gave me the one-week
chance because we’re on our 1st year now.”
    “I am grateful for your persistence and
patience because we’re celebrating now the fruit of it.”
    “I am grateful to God that He has given me
the opportunity to love and be loved by you, Rip, because I
discovered that I am capable of the things that I’ve done for and
with you, and that I am made aware as early as now of who I will
spend the rest of my life with.”
    “I am grateful to God that He used you as an
instrument to show me what it is like to feel and be loved because
since Papa, Mama and Ben, I never expected that someone will love
me like this. Never.”
    I sob as I release the last balloon we have,
my last balloon.
    We absorb the moment before I comment, “I
love Gratitude Game. We’ll do this again, yes?”
    “Love, look!” I point to the moon, which is
in full mode right now. Full moon is another thing I love among
God’s beautiful creation. “I am in love with the moon,” I
    “You’re mine. Let the moon have someone who’s
    “What did I tell you about jealousy?”
    “Geez, I’m kidding.”
    I smile and say, “Me, too.”
    “Me thr—”
    “You three then me four then who’ll gonna
win? Me. The end.”
    He laughs then shouts at the top of his
lungs, “I LOVE YOU, RIP!!!!”
    I counter a whispered, “I love you, too,”
just to tease him.
    This is indeed a happy anniversary.

Chapter 12
    Grant never fails to surprise me even with
his simple gestures. I can’t help but feel so much love. In fact, I
can confidently say that he has covered the years that I felt
alone, unloved, and uncared for. My love tank is so full that I
almost couldn’t contain it.
    His birthday is in two days, and I want to
make something for him. This is his second birthday that will be
celebrated with me, so I want to make it extra special. I am never
good in giving surprises. Well, I never made any effort to surprise
anyone. This is my first attempt. I know that I can’t compete with
his surprises, yet I want to show him how much I appreciate
    I’ve been planning this surprise quite some
time now. I am trying to be discreet about it.
    “There you are, lovely.” Grant stuns me.
    I jump. “Oh. Hi there, love.”
    “You look like you’ve seen a ghost, Rip. Are
you okay?” he asks, perturbed.
    “Yeah, I’m okay. I just didn’t notice you,” I
answer in a nervous tone. I hope he won’t notice that I am hiding
something from him.
    “Okay. Dinner later?”
    “I can’t make it, love. I have something to
do. School stuff.” I scrunch my nose as I tell him a lie.
    “Can’t it wait until tomorrow? I missed our
lunch date a while ago. I want to make it up to you.”
    I want to say yes, it can wait because no,
it’s not really school stuff. “No, it can’t, love. I’ll see you
tomorrow, okay?”
    He smiles, dejected, then says, “I miss you,
Isabelle. See you tomorrow. Bye.”
    “I miss you, too, love. Tomorrow.” I wave at
him then leave.

Chapter 13
    I don’t feel good about my encounter earlier
with Rhy. I know that I should trust her, but something tells me
that she’s hiding something from me, and I have no idea what it
    I am on my way to my dorm when I realize I
haven’t eaten my dinner yet, so I decided to go eat first. But when
I am near the DINER, I see Rhy and Cale inside. What
    I survey my surroundings—all clear. I am on a
mission now.
    Many questions form in my mind. Why are they
together? Are they on a date? Is that why Rhy cancelled on me? Is
she cheating on me?

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