The Chronicles of Kale: Dawn of Retribution (Book 2)

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Book: The Chronicles of Kale: Dawn of Retribution (Book 2) by Aya Knight Read Free Book Online
Authors: Aya Knight
don’t budge.” Illadar tugged firmly on the sand-chain.
    “Allow me.” Thomas knelt to Kale’s side. “This will not be pleasant, my friend.”
    Kale swallowed hard and nodded, his focus remaining on rescuing Neelan as quickly as possible.
    “ Silant devorda. ” The words escapes Thomas’ lips and instantly, Kale went mute to the world.
    Kale’s eyes widened in confusion as Thomas lunged an arm forward, gripping hold of his wrist. With a muttered incantation, Kale felt the pain searing through his bones. A sickening crack sounded against the silence and he glanced behind his back to see his hands had been crushed to no more than limp, hanging chunks of flesh. Before he could react, Thomas slid Kale’s hands through the solid sand cuffs.
    The old sorcerer smiled comfortingly and, with a wave of his hand, he cast a spell of healing upon his friend. Beads of perspiration rolled from Thomas’ slender nose as he quickly shoved the sleeves of his robe over each hand. “We need to hurry. I have a strong notion our two new friends are not done.”
    Illadar continued to investigate the mysterious chain that seemed to be grounded into the sandy floor. It was baffling.
    Kale sighed in relief as he rolled his wrists, which felt surprisingly unscathed by the incident. He squinted into the darkness and listened closely, certain he heard something nearby.
    The figures appeared quickly; their staves held offensively forward.
    “No!” Kale shouted as he watched the blunt side of the enemy weapons jab forcefully against the backside of his friends’ skulls.
    The two attackers stood as though never having received damage. Their bodies fully formed without an injury. The tiny orb once again flickered until dimming to nothingness over Thomas’ limp body. Kale was alone with the creatures in complete darkness.
    Chapter 7: The Chosen One

    T homas slowly blinked his eyes, groaning at the pounding sensation within his head. He rubbed the back of his skull—no blood. He released a sigh of relief as he adjusted himself into an upright position. His eyes panned the open space which was dimly lit by small glowing craters in the ground. He wondered if they emitted heat as he wiped a glaze of sweat from his forehead; the area was uncomfortably hot.
    “Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
    Thomas jumped and spun around to see Kale sitting behind him, unbound, his hands resting in his lap.
    “We’ve gotta’ find a way out of here.” Illadar mumbled as he forced himself into a seated position.
    The three had been locked within a larger cage. It appeared, like the others, to be made of nothing more than sand.
    “Thomas, do you have any idea what this place might be?” Kale questioned, knowing Thomas was educated on many locations that had been documented over time in Ravondore.
    “I haven’t the slightest, Kale.” Thomas peered out at the staggered huts. Each was constructed out of packed sand, with an open entrance hole and flat rooftop. There were tall, totem-like structures scattered about the area, each with unique features.
    “We need to get out and find Neelan. Who knows what those things plan to do with her. I can’t understand why they separated her from us.” The thought of Neelan being alone with the monstrosities made Kale’s chest tighten.
    “Move to the back of the cage. I shall attempt to release us. Once out, we must take great caution as there may be more of those creatures waiting to ambush us again.” Thomas aimed his palm toward the front bars of the cage. “ Kruedia esonek !” The red ball shot out and exploded the bars into thousands of tiny pieces that landed in all directions.
    “Nicely do—” Kale’s words stopped short as they watched the bars immediately reform into a solid imprisonment once again. “Curses!” Kale shouted.
    The sound of heavy marching could be heard nearby—amplifying with each passing second. Suddenly, a swarm of enemies infiltrated the large area. Each wore the same

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