Seduction Becomes Her

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Book: Seduction Becomes Her by Shirlee Busbee Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shirlee Busbee
Tags: Romance, Historical, Fantasy, Paranormal
several miles to ride before dark.

    They had just reached the base of the path when a frantic voice rang out behind them.

    “Lord Trevillyan! Wait! I beg you! We need your help,” Adrian shouted as he ran up to them. “It’s my sister, Daphne. She has gotten her foot trapped in the rocks in one of the caves we were exploring. April and I cannot free her.”

    “I hardly see what you expect me to do about it,” Trevillyan complained. “But since I am not without a heart,” he said reluctantly, “I shall stop by Beaumont Place on my way home and inform your servants of your dilemma.” He sent Adrian a chilly smile. “I’m sure that your people can effect a rescue without my help.” And turning his back on Adrian, he continued on his way.

    Adrian’s face paled with fury, and he lunged for Trevillyan, murder in his blue eyes. Charles neatly intercepted the boy and catching him by the shoulders, said softly, “Have done! It is your sister we must consider at the moment, not your pride.”

    His eyes locked on Adrian’s, Charles called out, “That’s an excellent plan, Trevillyan. Meanwhile, I shall go with Sir Adrian and see if I can be of assistance.”

    Trevillyan spun around so fast he nearly fell over. “Have you gone mad?” he demanded. “It’ll be dark in a few hours.”

    Ignoring him, Charles quietly asked Adrian, “How far away is she?”

    “A-a-about two miles further down the beach past the rocks,” Adrian stammered.

    “Not so far,” Charles said, more to himself than anyone else. Glancing at Trevillyan, he said, “We shall leave it in your capable hands to see to it that Sir Adrian’s people bring some blankets and hot broth and something that we can fashion into a sling to carry the young woman back to her home, if need be. Give them the directions to find us.” When Trevillyan simply gawked at him, Charles added, “Run along now—we haven’t much time before dark.” He smiled sweetly at Trevillyan. “Don’t worry about me, my lord. I’m sure that Sir Adrian will find me a place to sleep tonight. I shall see you sometime tomorrow at Lanyon Hall.”

    Not waiting for a reply, with a firm hand on Adrian’s upper arm, Charles goose-stepped him away from Trevillyan and toward the rocks. When he felt it was safe to loosen his grip on Adrian’s arm, he did so.

    “Is she hurt?” Charles asked Adrian as they crested the ridge of the rocks.

    Adrian grimaced. “I don’t think she’s hurt so much as mad as fire that she got her foot caught in this silly way.”

    “Have your temper, your sister?”

    “Sometimes,” Adrian answered with a smile. “But mostly, Daffy is a great gun, and when she does get angry, there’s usually a good reason for it.”

    “Daffy?” Charles asked, a twinkle in his eyes.

    Adrian grinned. “Daphne is her proper name, but April and I have always called her Daff or Daffy.”

    “And April would be your younger sister?”

    Unaware that he was being deliberately distracted and pumped for information, Adrian was happy to oblige him. In the face of Trevillyan’s callous attitude, Charles’s unexpected offer to help had raised him to hero status in Adrian’s eyes, and falling under the spell of Charles’s careless charm and encouraging manner, Adrian burbled away as if they were old friends. By the time they reached the entrance to the cave and a distraught April, Charles knew a great deal about the new baronet, his family, and of particular interest to Charles, Sir Adrian’s eldest sister, Daphne.

    Seeing her brother approach, April left her post at the entrance of the cave and threw herself into his arms. “Oh, Adrian! I am so glad you are back.” She cast a fearful glance at the sky. “It is getting dark, and I am so afraid. And poor Daffy! She is in there all by herself.” She bit back a sob. “She sent me outside to watch for you. She said she was perfectly comfortable and would not let me stay with her.”

    “That’s because

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