Overdrive TheLookOfLove June14
near nudity, but then, Chloe figured if she’d had a figure like that when she was nineteen, she would have been smart to flaunt it, too.
    More glad than she should have been that Chase didn’t so much as glance at Amanda’s perfect naked breasts, Chloe got up out of her seat and came to get the dress. “Can you wait ten minutes?”
    He looked down at the large tear. “You can have this fixed in ten minutes?”
    She looked at it more closely, running her fingers along the tear. “I think so.” Satins and silks were always harder to work with because every hole the needle made showed, but she’d been eying the enormous sewing box all day. Now she finally had a reason to dig into it.
    Chase called out for a break. She quickly threaded a needle with thin, transparent filament and began to work on the dress. She was so entranced by the soft fabric beneath her fingertips that it took her a few moments to realize Chase was sitting beside her.
    “What would I do without you?”
    She almost stabbed herself with the needle. Thankfully she was concentrating too hard to have to reply. Actually, she wasn’t concentrating all that hard. After the past year of doing side jobs for the local tailor for what amounted to little more than slave wages, she could sew up things like this in her sleep.
    Only, it was more than a little unnerving to have Chase’s full attention like this.
    “Don’t you have something else you need to be doing?”
    She could feel his grin without needing to see it. “Just keeping my friend company while she does me a favor.”
    Friends. He’d agreed to be her friend. So then, why was she a teeny bit disappointed that he hadn’t pushed her for more up on the hill?
    No. That was crazy thinking. And she knew exactly where that kind of crazy would lead.
    A bed…with Chase in it.
    “I’d like to help more,” she told him. “You’ve been so kind to me and I wish there was something more I could do to repay you.”

    “Chloe.” The serious way he said her name had her looking up at him. “I wanted to help. You don’t need to repay me for anything. Ever.”
    The intensity of his gaze—the utter dedication and focus on her—nearly had her stabbing herself again with the needle.
    “I need to concentrate on this,” she lied.
    What she really needed was some breathing room from her budding feelings for him.
    “Go check on something else,” she told him in her best no-nonsense voice.
    Before she looked back down at the dress, she caught a flash of his gorgeous grin. A grin that told her he knew exactly why she was sending him away, darn it.
    Ten minutes later, she helped Amanda put the dress back on and found herself blushing as everyone started clapping and telling her how great she was to have repaired it so quickly and so well.
    It wasn’t long until the sun set and the models were really drooping.
    “Let’s call it a day,” Chase said. “Great work, everyone.” He made sure to include her with his eyes, even though she’d barely done anything to help. “Really, really great.”
    Chloe could see how much his praise meant to everyone. Including her.
    “My brother, Marcus, is hosting all of us for dinner and drinks at his place tonight.” He pointed to the big house across the vineyard. “Jeremy, why don’t you take everyone over?”
    Without being asked, Chloe helped the models out of their dresses, making sure to tell each one of them how impressed she was with the work they’d done. “How do you hold those poses for so long?”
    Amanda was already on her cell phone, but Jackie, a shy “older” girl (who was barely twenty-one, but Chloe had already learned that was borderline ancient in their business), said, “I do a lot of yoga.”
    The girl’s smile was beautiful and Chloe immediately grinned back at her.
    “It was nice to have you on set,” Jackie said. “Kind of like having my mom here to take care of us.”
    Chloe somehow managed to hold her grin.
    She was only nine

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