Vengeance of the Dancing Gods

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Book: Vengeance of the Dancing Gods by Jack L. Chalker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jack L. Chalker
Tags: Fiction, Science-Fiction, Fantasy
power and perhaps bring them the true death, and so the more evil they were, the more they feared the final conflict.
    They liked things just the way they were and wanted the due bill as far down the road as possible.
    Those who were not wizards generally stuck to themselves, feeling somewhat uncomfortable around such true power, and bided their time until Ruddygore was ready for them.
    He entered with a flourish, in full flowing robes of sparkling gold, and was instantly the center of attention, greeting everyone with friendly informality and the usual banalities and acting for all the world as if this were a happy and well-planned occasion. It was only when he got to Marge that the act seemed to slip a bit.
    "I'm quite happy to see you. Marge. I hope this won't interfere with your new life too much..
    "Don't worry," she responded lightly. "Every once in a while it's good to have an adventure..
    He winked and was off again on the rounds of the room.
    Finally winding up at the pastry tray, he took seven or eight and a half-bottle of vintage champagne and settled Page 40 Chalker, Jack L - Vengeance of the Dancing Gods down in his big, plush, oak chair, which he'd cleverly managed to place on a slight riser near one end of the room, so that it not only gave him a total view of the occupants but also somewhat resembled a throne. Every- 54 JACK L. CHALKER 55 VENGEANCE OF THE DANCING GODS one quieted down rather quickly as it was noticed that he was now simply sitting there and examining them thoroughly.
    In a minute or so, there was silence.
    "Most of you know the reason we're here already,.
    the big sorcerer said at last, "although perhaps not all the details. We are faced with a minor crisis and a major decision and we'd better get to it. This is an informal party, not a formal Council meeting, and I hope to gain a consensus rather than force through any record votes..
    That was clever, Tiana thought. It meant that they might well vote to go against Hell, while being able to deny that they were on Ruddygore's side later on if things went wrong.
    "You all are the ranking wizards of this world of ours, such as it is," Ruddygore continued, "and the leaders of some of the most powerful of fairy races who still have some membership on Earth. Also here are some with long records of service against the Baron and whose help we might need, depending on what is decided..
    He paused a moment and took a drink of the champagne, then went on.
    "Now, as you all know, Esmilio Boquillas was sentenced to a total loss of power by the Council, and that sentence was carried out in accordance with the Rules.
    When, afterward, he continued to present a threat to us, the Rules called for a duel to the death with him; but, as we had stripped him of his powers, this would have been murder. As you also know, the Rules specifically forbid that sort of thing when a ranking wizard is rendered powerless by an action of the Council. This left me no choice but to exile him to Earth, feeling that there, where technology rules and there are no really major ranking magicians, he'd no longer be any threat to us. As it turned out, this was a mistake, but it was a mistake made because of mandated Rules. In other words, we are responsible, as Rule makers, and so we have both the authority and the ethical imperative to act in this matter. What we must decide first is whether or not we have the duty to do so and the will..
    "Perhaps you'd better first give us your idea of what he's up to," the witch queen Esmerada suggested.
    "Well, I have no clear ideas on that. We now know Page 41 Chalker, Jack L - Vengeance of the Dancing Gods that he retains some sort of organization here, on this side, and that he can somehow reach them, perhaps through Hell and perhaps through magical means. This matter of the Lamp was carefully planned down to the smallest detail, and it had to have been planned from this side,

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