Tempest Reborn

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Book: Tempest Reborn by Nicole Peeler Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nicole Peeler
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holding them out in front of me.
    ‘There you are,’ came a low, rough voice behind me. ‘I’ve been hoping you’d find me.’
    I smiled, feeling both exhilarated but oddly calm. ‘Of course I found you. I’ll always find you.’
    I looked up into Anyan’s smiling gray eyes.
    Intense relief flooded through me, but I couldn’t for the life of me think why. This was Anyan’s hut; why wouldn’t Anyan be waiting for me?
    The barghest knelt, wrapping his arms around me from behind, cloaking me with his heavy body. We sat like that for a few minutes while he drew in long breaths, as if memorizing my scent.
    ‘I’ve missed you,’ he whispered in my ear. ‘I’ve missed you so much…’
    I appreciated the sentiment, of course, but I couldn’t imagine, for the life of me, what he meant.
    ‘Miss me?’ I said. ‘Why? I’m always here.’
    He stiffened around me, and I wondered what I’d said wrong. But he didn’t tell me.
    ‘Of course you are,’ was all he said, and then he moved so he was sitting next to me.
    I leaned against him, and we watched the flames for a long time. It felt so good to be in his arms, but I knew it should be normal, after all this time.
    ‘How are things, Jane?’ he asked eventually, his voice a low hum in the dim light.
    ‘Oh, fine,’ I said. I tried to think of something to tell him about, but I couldn’t. ‘Nothing’s going on. Everything’s just … fine.’
    The truth was, I felt like I did have something big to say; that there was something very important, to both of us, which had happened. But every time I thought I was about to remember what it was, it slipped away.
    ‘You can’t think of anything going on you want to tell me about?’ Anyan’s voice was still soft and low, but I knew him well enough to detect the faintest note of desperation.
    ‘There is something … but I can’t remember. So it can’t be that important, can it?’ I said with a laugh he didn’t return.
    Anyan remained quiet for a bit, as if deep in thought, before turning to gaze into my eyes.
    ‘What’s wrong?’ I said, concerned.
    The smile he gave me was rueful. ‘I’m just wishing I had more power in this place. There are rules I cannot break.’
    I arched an eyebrow. ‘You’re plenty powerful, Anyan. And what rules are you talking about?’
    He shook his head sadly, as if regretting what he had to say. ‘It doesn’t matter, Jane. I must take what I can get. I’ve been looking for you everywhere. I’m just happy I found you.’
    ‘Found me? Was I lost?’ At this point I was totally confused.
    ‘No, I’m the one that’s lost. So I built this place for you. For us. I hoped you’d find it.’
    His words made no sense, but nothing could permeate my curious calm. Plus, he sounded happy, and I liked what he’d said.
    ‘It’s beautiful, Anyan. I really like it. It’s ours?’
    ‘For as long as I can hold on to it,’ he said, and there was grief in his voice.
    ‘I’ll help you,’ I said, putting my small hand into his much larger one. ‘We’ll keep it, together.’ I wanted him to feel safe, like I did.
    He leaned forward, pressing his lips to mine. What I felt then was anything other than calm. Our kiss was brief, but passionate, leaving me burning for more when he withdrew to speak.
    ‘You’re already helping me. Being here with you reminds me of who I am. You help me remain me, Jane.’
    I was confused again, but then he stood, taking me by the hand to draw me up with him. He led me to the little sleeping area.
    My body kindled with its own fire as Anyan stripped me of my shirt. While he did so, I toed off my Converse. He started in on the buttons of my jeans even as I stood on the tip of one sock, and then the other, to pull them off. He pushed down my jeans, and when I was clad only in my bra and panties, he bore me down onto the soft furs that awaited us.
    His lips and teeth found the soft flesh of my neck even as I ripped at the bottom of his T-shirt, trying to

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