Skye Morrison Vampire 2 Sins of the Father
forward, laying me on my back as he took over. He finally
took his fangs out of my neck with a deep, guttural moan and
eagerly drove his thick member into me harder and faster than ever.
He was so deep inside me, touching me where no man had ever touched
me before. His breathing got faster and faster, and he started to
grunt with each thrust. I knew he was close to his peak so I lifted
my head up and softly moaned in his ear. “Come for me, Jameson,” I
said before I moved my attention to his neck and gently licked on
the spot that his pulsing vein occupied.
    I moaned as Jameson thrust one last time deep
into me and cried out his pleasure while filling me.
    I lay on my back, clutching Jameson to me, as
I lazily floated on a sea of contentment for the next few minutes.
The blissful high from his bite was starting to wear off as he
rolled onto his back and pulled me to his chest.
    “Are you okay, my love?” he asked me
tenderly, kissing my forehead.
    “Mm-hm,” I mumbled, lazily opening my eyes
and looking up into his. “That was perfect…absolutely perfect. I
didn’t know sex could be like that.”
    Jameson chuckled and lifted my chin, looking
deep into my eyes. “It isn’t always like that, Skye,” he said
gently, explaining. “What we shared tonight was immensely intimate
and special to me.”
    Our lovemaking had been special to me as
well. I had never felt anything so intensely before. But, I wanted
to know why it was so special for him. “Why?” I asked him in a
whisper. “Why was it so special?”
    Jameson cupped my cheek in his hand and
softly kissed my lips. “I took your life blood as I made love to
you, Skye,” he said in between small kisses. “I took a piece of you
into me as you shared yourself with me completely.” He placed his
hand between my breasts, over my heart and closed his eyes as he
listened to it beat. “I can feel you inside of me, my love. Your
blood warms my heart. I can feel your very essence pumping through
my veins, fusing together with my own.” He opened his eyes and
smiled. “I feel you everywhere.”
    I felt a blush spread across my cheeks as
Jameson leaned over and quickly licked a spot of blood from my
neck. His tongue was so soft and I shivered with excitement at the
intense memory of his fangs sliding into me.
    “Will your bite mark heal?” I asked, suddenly
concerned with having two holes in my neck that were visible to
    “Oh,” he said playfully with a wag of his
eyebrows. “I plan to heal you, my love.”
    He rolled on top of me again, and I wrapped
my legs around his waist and pulled him in for a long kiss. When we
finally parted, I had worked up the nerve to ask him what was on my
mind. “So, what does this mean, Jameson, now that you’ve had my
    He looked deeply into my eyes and cupped my
face with one strong hand. “It means that you are mine and I am
yours, if that’s okay,” he said with a gentle kiss. “Is that okay?”
he asked tentatively.
    I wrapped my arms around his neck and
answered him with a deep, loving kiss. We spent the next few hours
showing each other just how much we cared for one another.

Chapter 5
    I awoke to soft, trailing kisses on my neck
and took a deep breath in, smiling contently before opening my
eyes. I was wrapped in Jameson’s arms as he spooned my naked body
with his from behind. He ran his nose up the length of my neck,
inhaling deeply, and sighed as he reached my ear. “Good morning, a luaidh ,” he said with a smile as he gently nuzzled my
earlobe. “Did you sleep well?”
    I briefly stretched and rolled over on top of
him. “Never better,” I said and brushed my lips over his. His hands
eagerly kneaded my backside and I sat up, straddling him, and
smiled. “How did you sleep?”
    He smiled and cocked his eyebrow, taking a
deep breath in as he surveyed my body. “That’s the best night’s
sleep I’ve had in decades.”
    I laughed and bit my bottom lip. “Well,

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