written by none other than Bill Ayers.
Question: Are we really supposed to believe Obama and Ayers never talked shop with each other? You mean to tell me they never spoke about their mutual interest in Marxism or bantered around Obama’s ideas about a revolutionary class and the redistribution of wealth? That would be like having dinner with Babe Ruth but never talking about a mutual interest in baseball.
Are things starting to come into focus for you?
Obama sought out Marxist professors and chummed around with fellow Marxist students during college. A number of years later, he’s the neighbor and friend of a Marxist-loving, domestic terrorist. What’s more, he was being tutored in church by an America-bashing, Marxist-loving pastor. Now that he’s president, what’s the next step in his long march toward a Marxist-socialist takeover of America? Simple.
He’s assembling an inner circle of advisors who share his agenda.
Obama’s Marxist-Leninist Czars and Czarinas
They got the call. They packed their bags. They headed to Washington.
Without so much as a five-minute congressional hearing, public input, or FBI background check, Barack Obama handpicked and placed into power men and women who share his Marxist-Leninist convictions. Some of Obama’s czars and czarinas admire, quote, and are inspired by Mao Zedong—the butcher of humanity with the blood of sixty to seventy million on his hands. I’m not making this up. We are being ruled by a new class of czars, the likes of which haven’t been seen since the last days of the Romanov Dynasty in Russia.
These appointments are of people with extraordinary powers over our lives, many of whom, by their own admission, their writings, and their speeches are enamored with Lenin, Marx, and Mao. What’s more, they’re sitting in the center of power under President Obama. His entire administration is infested with socialists running through the place like termites gnawing on the foundations of America. Let’s go down the list.
Take Van Jones, President Obama’s former Green Jobs Czar. Jones started his career as an anti-police street thug and rabble-rouser in the San Francisco Bay area. He was arrested during a riot in Los Angeles and, once in jail, started running with a string of anarchists and communists. Upon his release, he found a new con game: shaking down people under the guise of environmentalism. Did I mention that Van Jones was one of the founders of Standing Together to Organize a Revolutionary Movement (STORM)? This, naturally, qualified him to be appointed by Obama to be his top eco-fascist storm trooper … that is, until America learned the truth.
Here’s Van Jones’ résumé as he presented it:
[In jail] I met all these young radical people of color—I mean really radical, communists and anarchists. And it was, like, ‘This is what I need to be a part of … I spent the next ten years of my life working with a lot of those people I met in jail, trying to be a revolutionary … I was a rowdy nationalist on April 28th, and then the verdicts came down on April 29th. By August, I was a communist.33
Sounds like the perfect kind of guy we want advising the president, right?
Obama seemed to think so.
Okay, I understand you might think that Van Jones probably reformed his extremist views somewhere along the way, right? I mean, what kind of American president would knowingly bring a communist to come and work in the White House? If you think that, you’d be mistaken. Van Jones never abandoned his revolutionary delusions and diehard conviction of radically reshaping America. On the cusp of being appointed special advisor to President Obama, listen to the heartbeat of the man:
No, we’re going to change the whole system. We’re going to change the whole thing. We’re not going to put a new battery in a broken system. We want a new system! 34
If anything, Van Jones was saying all the right things as far as Obama was concerned. What else did you think
Stella Noir, Roxy Sinclaire