Fossil Hunter

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Book: Fossil Hunter by Robert J. Sawyer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Robert J. Sawyer
a long silence, every set of eyes locked on Afsan. “What you say,” said Afsan at last, spacing the words out, “is not true.”
    “By the fangs of God…” said Dybo wanly, as he watched Afsan’s face.
    “See!” shouted Rodlox, spinning again to look at everyone in turn. “See! The blind one’s muzzle turns blue. His words are a lie!”
    Afsan dipped his head.
    “Afsan?” said Dybo, a note of desperation in his voice.
    Even though they were sightless, Afsan apparently could not lift his eyes to meet the Emperor’s. “I’m sorry,” he said, very softly.
    Dybo’s inner eyelids were snapping up and down spasmodically, no doubt turning his vision into a strobing display. “Are you sure?” he said.
    “He’s sure!” shouted Rodlox. “He knows I am right.”
    Afsan rallied some strength. “No,” he said. “I don’t know that what you say is true, Rodlox. I can’t see the evidence of physical similarity you are apparently presenting.”
    “No, you can’t,” said Rodlox. “But you believe me. I see that in your face. Admit it. Admit the truth.”
    Afsan was silent. Dybo spoke at last, “Afsan, is it true?”
    “I am not positive,” Afsan said quietly, “but… yes. I’ve long suspected that what Rodlox has suggested is true.” Afsan looked slightly defensive. “I did mention the possibility to you once, long ago.”
    Dybo leaned back on his tail for support.
    “The bloodpriests have lied!” shouted Rodlox. “Not only have they betrayed the people, they’ve betrayed the very Emperorship itself.” He faced the spectators lining the near curb now. “Surely the imperial bloodpriest should have chosen the best and fastest of the egglings to become Emperor. Look at him!” He jabbed a finger at Dybo. “Look at him! Fat, dull-witted, lazy.” The crowd hissed at the insults, but Rodlox pressed on. “And look at me: lean and muscular, and sharp of mind. The bloodpriests wanted someone on the ruling slab that they could easily manipulate, so they sent the rightful heir away. I’m the one who should be Emperor.” He turned directly toward Dybo. “With me in the palace, our people will get on with the business of living, not be mired in your mad dream of leaving our home.”
    Rodlox bobbed his torso up and down. “I challenge you, Dybo, here and now, in front of these hundred witnesses…
    “I challenge your authority to lead…
    “I challenge your right to the throne…
    “I challenge your very right to be alive.”
    Emperor Dy-Dybo stood motionless, mouth agape.

    A Quintaglio’s Diary
    So we children of Afsan and Novato are no longer unique. Emperor Dybo, being of The Family, has, of course, always known who his parents were, but now it seems that he, too, also has living siblings.
    I guess no one had ever noticed the resemblance between Dybo and his brothers and sisters. After all, the apprentice governors are scattered across Land, and I doubt two of them have often been seen side by side. And, of course, Dybo is quite portly, making comparisons between him and the others less obvious.
    I wonder how Dybo is dealing with the knowledge that he has siblings. It’s different for him than it is for me, I’m sure. To begin with, apparently he’s only just discovered this fact (if it is a fact — there seems to be some doubt still). He didn ’t grow up with them, doesn ’t know them at all, except in a perfunctory and official way. It’s too bad: I’d be grateful to discuss what I’m going through with someone older and more experienced. But my role is minor. The Emperor, I’m sure, would never find time in his day to talk with me.
    Toroca was poised in a little cleft, nine-tenths of the way up the cliff side, working along the Bookmark layer, the chalky seam marking the first rocks containing evidence of life. He kept hoping to unearth one of the shards of the eggs of creation. What a find that would be! An actual shell piece from an egg laid by God! So far,

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