War Against the Mafia
all but shrieking under the duress of the delightful head-to-toe contact
    "Let's just say that you passed
test," he told her, grinning down at her. "Now-how do
want it?"
    She giggled and relaxed against him. "If I have a choice, I'll take it flat on my back and breathing slow." "Okay," he said agreeably, "-at least we've got the display-window starch out of you."
    "What?" She had fallen back onto the bed, tiredly drawing her legs onto the edge.
    "All that posturing and posing," Bolan explained. "You put that on for all your callers?" "I never get any complaints," she assured him. He dropped his knees to the floor and encircled the lush female body with an arm, raking his lips across the torso, pausing momentarily at the breasts, then onto the throat and lingering on the pouting lips. "This is more like it," she said a moment later, sighing and running hands along his back. He doubled one of her legs and drew it forward, kissed the knee, kneading the leg and thigh with both hands.
    "You, uh, like legs?" she asked, a new light beginning in the depths of her eyes. "I like yours," he told her. "But probably not in the way you're wondering. I'm just trying to discover where you tick."
    "Hell, I tick all over," she said quickly. His hands had moved onto her hips, fanning along the heavy cones of firm flesh, and up into the juncture of legs and body. The raised leg jerked involuntarily and she inhaled sharply. He was grinning at her. "Well, okay, so I tick some places better than others," she admitted. "Are you going to, uh, get up here on the bed with me?"
    For reply he pushed, pulled, and rolled her over and ran his hands along the back of her, hesitating here and there to probe sensitive spots. The blonde was beginning to puff again. "Say," she said, "say..."
    She lunged about and flung her arms about his neck, mouth eagerly seeking his. He went onto the bed then and they lay in tight embrace, limbs intertwined, mouths joined, her hips moving rhythmically against him.
    He withdrew from the urgency of her mouth and said, "Now, that's the proper movement for the bed set"
    "Okay, Professor," she puffed, "-on with the lecture." Her mouth again grafted onto his, the heavy globes of breasts worrying frantically against his chest. Both hands came down off his neck and moved between them, searching, grasping.
    He evaded her, saying, "I haven't seen your steam yet."
    "God, God-how much steam you want a girl to have? I'm going nuts all over."
    He rolled to the other side of her, carrying her over atop him, lifting her high, head beneath her chin, and buried his mouth in the luxurious flesh. She gasped and flopped, hammering at him with her hips, whining, entreating. Some moments later he pushed her onto her back and rolled off the bed to stand beside it and gaze down at her. Her knees and arms lifted together and her eyes were pleading. "Please," she moaned, "please..."
    Bolan smiled approvingly, murmured, "Now you're a woman," and fell onto her.
    She arched up to meet him, capturing him in a death-grip with all four limbs. "Yes, yes, yes," she panted, then her midsection exploded in a convulsive grasping, and it was not until some moments later that she was able to complete the statement. "I am a woman," she declared languidly.
    "Hell, don't I know it," Bolan said tiredly.
    All tests were A-OK.

    1 - The Cause
    An unexpected caller presented himself at the door of Mack Bolan's Liberty District apartment in the early morning hours of August 31st. Bolan grunted with surprise, swung the door open, and admitted Detective-Lieutenant Al Weatherbee. The see-all cop's eyes made a fast appraisal of the expensive lodging, then settled onto the slightly exasperated tenant
    "Consider this a friendship call," the policeman said, smiling tightly. "I want-"
    "Five in the morning is a bit too early for friendship," Bolan observed.
    "A friend in need doesn't know the time of day," Weatherbee advised him. "I just dropped by

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