4 - We Are Gathered
    “Since we’re talking in euphemisms and abstractions, sure. Go on. Tell me.”
    “If you’d turned too far, that net you’re wearing would be searing portions of your flesh everywhere it touched.”
    “Wow. Pleasant stuff. I thought I recognized just about every religious icon available in here. You padding the impact of this weapon? Or can’t decide on which is the true religion?”
    “You study Theology?”
    “I’m studying how religion has screwed up the world.”
    “Religion didn’t alter anything, Miss Rori. Men using religion to their own ends did that.”
    “So, did you decide?”
    “On what?”
    “Which religion is the true one?”
    “They all are. We put all the icons on for a reason. They have differing effects on different creatures and in varying degrees. It’s not the only weapon we have. Do you want to know the others?”
    “Not especially.”
    “Holy Water is akin to acid. Eats their dead flesh. Drains them so we can finish them off. I believe it’s tortuous. Not that I’d know, of course, but I’ve seen it work, and their shrieks are pretty telling. Want to know what else we use?”
    “Why ask? You already got my answer and just completely ignored it.”
    “Sun lamps. We modify them. Perfect for sending out arcs of UV rays exactly where we need them. We got a bargain on most of them, too, since they’re out of fashion. They’re extremely painful, too…if a dead thing even feels pain. They’ll bring the rot right out on any vampire. Make his outer shell match the evil within. They’re eternally ugly, despite their appearance. You probably don’t believe me, since they come so handsomely packaged. They do, don’t they?”
    Rori didn’t answer. She just looked at him through the netting, worrying over the immediate image of Tristan – filled with holes and screaming in agony.
    “But all of this is just techniques to corner and capture. We do get serious. We’ve got guns, and even swords. They’ll stall any vampire, but only if they contain enough silver to them. It still takes hammering a stake right through their dead hearts to kill them. That’s incredibly difficult to achieve. I don’t suppose you want to join this conversation?”
    “Vampires have immense strength. You probably noticed. It’s hard to pin them down and hammer stakes through their hearts. So…we got crafty. We use arrows. If they’re made of consecrated wood and tipped with a silver arrow, it’s the next best thing. Heart shots are the best; fairly lethal and always incapacitating. We still use crossbows to fire. They’re more accurate. You don’t need arm strength to fire a crossbow, either. Just a good aim. We’re going to test you for that.”
    “Being half-turned makes you a perfect candidate for our program, Miss Rori. Perfect.”
    “You want me to join you?”
    “It’s a long shot, but I’m hopeful.”
    “Oh please. I don’t even look good in camo.”
    “But you’ve been to their lair. You’ve attracted the attention of the Crusader, himself. He’s rarely out in the open. We didn’t believe our spies, at first. Do you know how close you are to the very heart of their organization? And consequently how much you’re worth to us? Why else do you think we let you live?”
    Tristan’s voice teased her ear, leaving a hint of air that shifted hair. Rori immediately shifted her eyes to her hands to hide the reaction, while her mind replied in a silent litany or words. She clasped her hands and chanted. Oh, Tristan. I was wrong. I love you. Tristan, I need you. Tristan, I want you. Tristan, I worship you. I love you. Help me, Tristan. Hel p…
    “It’s no use, Miss Rori. You might as well give it up.”
    Rori raised her head and blinked. It took a few minutes to focus on Lord Beethan and his henchmen. She’d been so directed in her efforts at communicating that it was probably right on her face to see…unless the icon-strewn netting hid

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