A Love Undone

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Authors: Cindy Woodsmall
his uncle about using his facilities, Lester was on board. He’d assured Andy he could get him some skilled help, so apparently Joe was that help. But what time would Joe arrive?
    “Daed said they’ll likely break free and bolt.” Tobias ran his finger across his empty plate, scooping up some spilled filling. “They’ll need shoeing too.”
    Uncle Lester frowned at Andy. “You’re bringing in a smithy, right?”
    “I haven’t made plans for that, no.”
    “You need to. I was sure you knew some other smithy than Van Beiler … since you work with horses.”
    So Lester wasn’t a fan of Beiler’s either. What had the man done? Andy tucked his napkin next to his plate. “You want me to try to bring one here from Apple Ridge?”
    Jolene shook her head. “No, he doesn’t.”
    “Yes, I do.” Lester propped one leg on the other. “I won’t pay money to support any man who has no business living in Winter Valley.”
    Andy knew Lester could be as difficult as the day was long once he was set against someone. He was known in the family for being that way. Thankfully, his great-uncle didn’t have anything against him.
    So what did he do when his horses needed to be shod? Whatever it was, it must not be a current option.
    Jolene intertwined her fingers and leaned in. “Lester, I appreciateyour sentiments, but Van is a good man. I keep telling you that.” She angled her head, her eyes narrowing at the elderly man. “And Andy needs his help. End of discussion, please.”
    Uncle Lester tossed his napkin onto the plate. “A good man,” he mumbled.
    “Ya.” Jolene nodded. “He is. Do you want us to argue about it in front of my little sister, Andy’s son, and a man who’s nearly a stranger to me?”
    Lester grimaced. “Sorry. I didn’t think about that.” He pushed back from the table and grabbed his cane. “Unless I can round up some volunteers, you’ll have to make do with Van’s and Jo’s help.”
    “Actually,”—Jolene shrugged—“Van is currently out of town. I left a message at the shop for him to call me. We haven’t spoken more than a passing
in years, but I’m assuming if he gets the message, he’ll return the call.”
    “Of course he will.” Hope stood and began gathering plates. “Whenever I see him around town, he’s quick to do anything he can to help out us Keims. My horse threw a shoe a year ago, and I walked him to Smithy Beiler’s place. The fires were cold, and Van was locking up. But he unlocked the place, fired up the furnace, and put all new shoes on my horse. We talked about gardening and my family and stuff the whole time.”
    Lester didn’t look impressed, but when he opened his mouth, Jolene arched an eyebrow at him, a clear warning that Hope didn’t see.
    Andy thought it best to change the subject. “So what time can I expect this Joe fellow to get here?”
    Jolene raised her hand. “Present.”
    “You?” Andy jolted, knocking the flatware off his plate and onto the floor. “I … I’m sorry, Jolene.” He turned to Lester. “But that won’t do.”
    Jolene and Hope gathered several items and went into the kitchen.
    Lester scratched a scraggly eyebrow with one shaky, weathered hand. “Jo is the available help, and it’ll have to do. You’ve given your word to the Humane Society.”
    “And when we talked last week, you said there would be skilled men to help. This change means we don’t have the needed manpower.”
    “You have womanpower. Make it work.”
    “I know you like and believe in Jolene. That’s obvious. But we’re talking feral horses. I need someone with experience, someone who can watch my back as much as I’m watching his—emphasis on the word
. Horses are stout, massive creatures, Lester. You know that. One unexpected kick, especially to the head, and she could be seriously injured.” He picked up his flatware and put it on his plate. “I mean no disrespect, Uncle Lester, but what are you thinking?”
    “You trained

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