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Book: Sweetie by Jenny Tomlin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jenny Tomlin
anus, squeezing and pinching, and eventually trying to force its fingers into her, but her tracksuit bottoms were too tight at the knees and prevented him from parting her legs. He took one hand away momen -
    tarily to unzip his trousers and try to force her legs apart. With its grip on her arm released, Lucy was able to jerk back her elbow with all her might. It landed a blow which hit home in just the right place.
    There was a loud groan and he rolled off her. Lucy seized her chance to clamber to her feet, pull up her trackie bottoms and run away as fast as she could, 68
    not looking back or even bothering to stoop and pick up her kit bag.
    The earth beneath her feet was becoming slippery with the burst of unexpected rain. Despite the short downfall, the air remained sticky and hot, but she ran and she ran through the rain, crying, ‘Oh, God, please help me! I want my mum,’ until the traffic on Hackney Road came into view.
    When she finally turned to look back there was nobody behind her but she kept running anyway, squeezing the cheeks of her bottom together, until she hit the main road and flagged down the first car she saw. Wet, bedraggled and red-faced, a sobbing Lucy slumped against the driver’s door, begging for help.
    The old couple who had stopped for her were from Bangladesh and spoke little English, but they under -
    stood the word ‘police’ and recognised the state that Lucy was in. They let her into the car and took her straight to the police station on Bethnal Green Road.
    Unseen by anyone at that time was the drumstick lolly, tangled into Lucy’s dishevelled hair at the back of her head.
    Chapter Five
    A throng of people exited the Bingo hall from all four sides. The usual moaning and groaning of ‘God, that was close’ or ‘If only number twenty-three had come out’ could be heard above the drone of voices as everyone spilled out on to Hackney Road before dispersing down the smaller side streets and alleyways.
    ‘Do you fancy a quick cuppa, Lizzie?’ Eileen Archer was in a buoyant mood after winning two lines. Not the full house she was hoping for, nor the pyramid game, but she was still a fiver better off than when she’d started, which would come in handy now that Steven was home for the holidays. She had for -
    gotten how much teenage boys ate and it was costing her a small fortune. How Steven loved his food, and what a sweet tooth he had! Ali at the local news -
    agent’s always made sure he kept aside a tenpence mixed bag for the boy every day. It was so kind of him. Steven loved the variety bag of flying saucers, blackjacks, white mice and a drumstick lolly. Ali had a bit of a soft spot for Steven, and no matter what the other locals might say, Ali wasn’t just another Paki on the take, he was a genuinely nice fella.
    The streets were still wet from the downpour earlier that evening but the rain had stopped, the air felt fresher, and the first strong breeze for weeks wrapped Eileen’s raincoat closer round her as she walked. The rain had also dampened the rotting rubbish, washing away some of its stale smell. She felt her spirits lift in the fresh clean air.
    ‘I don’t think I will, Eileen. This damp has got into my bones, and you know what a martyr I am to bloody rheumatism. My ankles are swelling already.’
    Lizzie hoped her friend couldn’t hear the nervous tremor in her voice. She had been unable to con -
    centrate at Bingo, kept looking at her watch all evening and feeling sick to her stomach. She had lied to and deceived Eileen, and knew that the guilt she felt for that would stay with her a long time.
    ‘All right then, love, I’ll get back and see what that boy of mine is up to. Probably emptied the biscuit tin and drunk all the Cokes, if I know my Steven.’ Eileen squeezed Lizzie’s hand and smiled at her. ‘Thanks for dragging me out tonight, Lizzie. I always feel guilty, going out when Steven’s back for the holidays, but it has done me the world of good.

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