Do You Trust Me?

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Book: Do You Trust Me? by Desconhecido(a) Read Free Book Online
Authors: Desconhecido(a)
Shut up ,
she wanted to yell at him. I know what I’m doing. But did she? And how
could she offer her body on a platter to a man she still wasn’t sure she could
trust with John’s secret.
    Her head was
beginning to ache.
    “The smartest thing
for you to do,” he went on, “would be to lock yourself behind your door until
this is all over. And while I’m sitting here warning you, telling you what you
should do, I’m hoping you’ll ignore what I’m saying. So I guess that makes me
the asshole of the year.”
    Rina let out a
tremulous sigh. “Let’s cut to the chase here, shall we? What’s the bottom line?”
    “That I can’t make
myself not want you. That I’ll take you in ways you’ve never even heard of.
That I don’t know what I have to give beyond the physical. If I could find the
strength to do it, I’d tell you to kick my ass out of here and call Sully to
demand a replacement. But I can’t. So it means I’ll have to work extra hard not
to let myself be distracted from my assignment, and that’s why during the day
we’re little more than strangers.” He let out a deep, agonized sigh. “And,
finally, it means I won’t need one of the guest bedrooms. I’ll be sleeping in
    Her stomach unknotted and did a little flip as the total effect of what he was saying hit her.
    “What is it you’re so
afraid of, McCall?”
    He took a swig of his
orange juice before answering her. “Nothing. Everything. Things I can never
talk to you about. Maybe whatever this is will just burn itself out. God knows
we’d both be better off.”
    So. Whatever happened
in his past must have nearly destroyed him. He couldn’t put it behind him. It
couldn’t just be some woman who ran from the D/s relationship, even though she
expected McCall to be a very controlling yet giving Dom. It had to be more than
that. And, damn it, she couldn’t ask Sully for help on this one.
    Great. Let’s fuck
ourselves to death so we can get over each other. I can hardly wait.
    She had to swallow
twice before she could speak without scratching his eyes out. “If that’s the
way you feel, why are we doing this?”
    “Because we both want
it.” His voice was flat, his face expressionless. “It’s either this or both of
us driving each other nuts. And compromising the mission.”
    “And you consider
that a valid reason?” she spat at him.
    His eyes drew her,
the gray now a stormy black. “Rina, the choice is yours. All you have to do is
say no.”
    The word echoed in
her head, but she couldn’t make her lips form it. Why was she punishing herself
by agreeing to this stupid situation? Because, truth to tell, she’d wanted him
from the very first time John introduced them. Because he was the man in all
her erotic fantasies, the one who made her nipples harden and every erotic
pulse in her body beat a furious tempo. Because in bed, McCall brought her a
wildness she’d never known. For however long it lasted, she wanted it. Because,
right now, it was the only thing that could blot out the terror invading her
    So if that was all
she could have, she’d take it. No matter what that made her look like.
    He waited the space
of one more heartbeat. Two. Then he nodded.
    “Fine. Then we’re
done talking.” A muscle jumped in his cheek. “That works out just fine. I have
two main objectives here—to protect you and to find out why you were at the
    “Anything else?” she
asked, trying to be as matter-of-fact as he was.
    “Yeah. My social
skills suck, so I’m sure to piss you off with great regularity. Consider
yourself warned.”
    She burst out
laughing, as much a release from tension as anything else. “Fine. Then you won’t
mind if I kick your ass now and then.”
    He smiled. It was
obvious he was using unfamiliar muscles to do so. “So. Let’s get settled in.”
    They both rose from
the table at the same time, bodies bumping. She put out her hands to keep from
stumbling and came into contact with

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