A Scandalous Proposition

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Book: A Scandalous Proposition by MM George Read Free Book Online
Authors: MM George
her palms resting on its edge. “I know that,” she said. “Dadi jumps to
her rescue if Chacha ever says anything to her. And, despite her sharp tongue,
she seems equally devoted to Dadi.”
    “What Chachi also doesn’t realize,” continued Ranbir,
looking directly at her, “is that Tarun is like Chacha. He likes a simple life,
prefers to stay at home and enjoys being with the family. A socialite wife of
the kind Chachi hankers after would ruin his life, make it a nerve-shattering
round of parties and, frankly, I don’t think Tarun would be able to cope. Reema
is just right for him. In fact, I’m impressed by the fine instinct he has shown
in falling in love with her.”
    Mira looked at him in surprise. “You said she was after his
money!” she exclaimed.
    “Well, now I know better,” he said.
    “Wow,” she mocked. “The great Mr. Ranbir Dewan admitting he
made a mistake. Breaking news!”
    “Don’t laugh, girl,” he growled, pulling her roughly against
him. Mira felt her senses spin as she came up against the hard male length of
him. Ranbir cupped her chin and raised her face up to his. She bit her lip. She
couldn’t think straight with him so tantalizingly close, with his very essence
filling her senses and causing her breath to catch. She tried to turn her face
away, but his hands prevented any movement.
    A strange look came into Ranbir’s eyes as he caught her desperate
little movements. “Mira, Mira, Mira,” he said softly, “you don’t know how you
provoke me!” His face was inches away from hers, his lips coming closer. She
closed her eyes. A curious kind of inertia possessed her and she felt unwilling
to break out of the warmth of his arms. She sighed as she felt his lips touch
hers, his tongue seeking the warmth and sweetness it craved. Her hands found
their way to his chest, bracing herself against the onslaught of his mouth.
    “Aahh, you taste so sweet,” murmured Ranbir, as his tongue
moved to her ear lobe and then traced its way down her jawline to her chin.
Mira could not have moved even if she had wished to, the sensations shooting
through her were so intense. Instead, she found herself curling her hands in
Ranbir’s hair and drawing him closer to her, shuddering as she felt his tongue
work its way down her neck where an erratic pulse beat a frenzied tattoo. She
could feel her breasts swell as his hands gripped her waist and his leg worked
its way between hers. When his hands moved up to the drawstring that held the
neck of her kurta together, she felt herself go limp. She heard the
little bells at the ends of the drawstring jingle as he untied the knot and
felt the top of her kurta slip down as his tongue worked its way to the
shadowed skin between her breasts. “So sweet, like a peach,” whispered Ranbir
as he bent to take her nipple in his mouth and began to suckle it.
    Mira felt a storm begin to build in her innermost core. She
was being ripped apart by feelings she had never known before. Her hands curled
tightly in the dark hair of the man who was pleasuring her so intently, her
back arching to offer him more of the sweetness he was plundering. “Ranbir!”
she moaned, lost in the waves of sensation that were engulfing her.
    The terrace door banged, startling her from the sensuous
haze that had engulfed her. She brought her hands down to push Ranbir from her
breasts. He murmured indistinctly, his mouth rising again to claim her lips,
one hand caressing her waist and moving even lower.
    With an effort, Mira turned her face away. “Stop it, Ranbir,
stop it right now!” she said, her voice shaking.
    “What the…?” he said thickly, his eyes still glazed with
desire. She pushed him away in a hasty gesture.
    “Someone might come up,” she said, hastily pulling up the
bodice of her kurta and doing up the drawstring, not meeting his eyes.
She moved to one side.
    “It was just the breeze. Mira, come here,” he said, taking a
step towards her. “Stop being a

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