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Book: Torn by Kate Hill Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kate Hill
Tags: Romance
badly in my life,” she said. Except, perhaps, you…

Chapter 6
    After leaving the prison that morning, Honey Wine went directly to the courtyard under the pretense of bathing in the pond. As she’d assumed, it was empty. Only Alva or her guests ever ventured into the courtyard, and knowing her sister, Honey Wine guessed it would be hours before she rose from the comfort of her bed and the arms of whichever lover she’d taken the night before.
    Honey Wine slipped from her dress and into the chilly water. Drawing a deep breath, she swam out to the pool’s center and dove. She swam deeper than she’d ever tried before, past green vines and goldfish until she neared a cave at the rocky bottom. A glance behind her revealed the sunlight melting through the water’s surface.
    She could certainly swim, but was not a diver by any means and knew that soon she would need air. Still, the cave was the only possible tunnel, if the old healer had been speaking the truth. She swam through the stony opening, and the water grew murky. A faint, eerie glow shone above. Rocks were hard and slippery beneath her feet as she pushed off from the bottom toward the strange light. As she broke the surface, she tried not to gasp loudly as her every breath echoed in the slimy stone tunnel where she found herself. Just above her, she heard voices. She recognized Timus, Bron, and several other guards. So it was true! She was at the bottom of the well.
    The bucket dropped into the water beside Honey Wine, nearly striking her face. Honey Wine bit her lip to keep from crying out in surprise. She’d better swim away before she was knocked unconscious and drowned. The thought made laugher stick in her throat, as she felt giddy with the hope of escape and the challenge it provided. For too long she’d lived in the drudgery of the prison.
    Slowly, her own warrior’s soul woke from its slumber. For the first time in years, she felt willing to fight for her freedom.
    She drew a deep breath and swam back down the well. As she emerged, her heart pounded, and she became momentarily disoriented. If she didn’t remember which way to swim, she could drown since the pool was the only surface point she remembered passing.
    Finally, she broke the surface and climbed out of the pool, wiping water from her eyes. Her hands trembled with excitement. She could scarcely wait to tell Torn what she’d learned, but that would have to wait. Both must be careful not to give away their plan.
    After dressing hastily, she returned to the prison. Though tired from spending the night on the floor of Torn’s cell, excitement coursed through her.
    She knew that even when she retired to her chamber, sleep would elude her.
    In the dungeon, she checked several sick and injured beasts. When she reached Torn’s cell, he lay so quietly on his bench she thought he was asleep.
    She no sooner stooped beside him when his eyes met hers.
    She leaned close as she changed his bandage and whispered, “I’ve found a way out of here. Down the well, there’s a passage –” She stopped speaking as Bron approached and watched her work.
    “So we finally made a killer out of him,” Bron said.
    “And you sound so happy about it,” she said.
    He shrugged. “Truth be told, I’m glad he’s alive. Wagering on him is an easy way to earn some coins.”
    She wound the bandage across Torn’s chest, then touched a hand to his shoulder, guiding him back onto the bench. The urge to brush a wavy lock of hair from his eyes was overpowering, yet she resisted.
    “You understand you have no soul left, Bron,” Honey Wine stated. “None of us down here have any souls. We’re complacent, and that’s as much a sin as Alva supporting the Entertainment. This…beast…was the only creature down here who had a soul.”
    “Had, that’s the important word, Honey Wine.” Bron winked. “Now he’s one of us, eh? When he recovers, I can hardly wait to watch him tear apart bait in the training

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