Triple Jeopardy

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Book: Triple Jeopardy by Rex Stout Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rex Stout
Tags: thriller, Crime, Mystery, Classic
Carl -
    Can we go in with you'the woman asked in the same gasping whisper, and then I knew her too. She was also from the barber shop, a manicure. I had never hired her, since I do my own nails, but had seen her around and had heard her called Tina.
    I looked down at her smooth white little face with its pointed chin and didnt care for the expression on it. I glanced at Carl, and he looked even worse.
    Whats the matter'I guess I was gruff. Trouble'
    Please not out here, Tina pleaded. Her eyes darted left and right and back up at me. We just got enough brave to go to the door when you came. We were thinking which door, the one down below or up the steps. Please let us in'
    It did not suit my plans. I had counted on getting a few little chores done before Wolfe came down from the plant rooms at eleven oclock. There could be no profit in this.
    You told me once, Carl practically whined, that people in danger only have to mention your name.
    Nuts. A pleasantry. I talk too much. But I was stuck. Okay, come in and tell me about it.
    I led the way up the steps and let us in with my key. Inside, the first door on the left of the long wide hall was to what we called the front room, not much used, and I opened it, thinking to get it over with in there, but Fritz was there, dusting, so I took them along to the next door and on into the office.
    After moving a couple of chairs so they would be facing me I sat at my desk and nodded at them impatiently. Tina had looked around swiftly before she sat.
    Such a nice safe room, she said, for you and Mr. Wolfe, two such great men.
    Hes the great one, I corrected her. I just caddy. Whats this about danger'
    We love this country, Carl said emphatically. All of a sudden he started trembling, first his hands, then his arms and shoulders, then all over. Tina darted to him and grabbed his elbows and shook him, not gently, and said things to him in some language I wasnt up on. He mumbled back at her and then got more vocal, and after a little the trembling stopped, and she returned to her chair.
    We do love this country, she declared.
    I nodded. Wait till you see Chillicothe, Ohio, where I was born. Then you will love it. How far west have you been, Tenth Avenue'
    I dont think so. Tina was doubtful. I think Eighth Avenue. But thats what we want to do, go west. She decided it would help to let me have a smile, but it didnt work too well. We cant go east, can we, into the ocean'She opened her blue leather handbag and, with no fingering or digging, took something from it. But you see, we dont know where to go. This Ohio, maybe'I have fifty dollars here.
    That would get you there, I allowed.
    She shook her head. Oh, no. The fifty dollars is for you. You know our name,
    Vardas'You know we are married'So I there is no question of morals, we are very high in morals, only all we want is to do our work and live in private,
    Carl and me, and we think -
    Having heard the clatter of Wolfes elevator descending from the plant rooms on the roof, I had known an interruption was coming but had let her proceed. Now she stopped its Wolfes steps sounded and he appeared at the door. Carl and Tina both bounced to their feet. Two paces in, after a quick glance at them, Wolfe stopped short and glowered at me.
    I didnt tell you we had callers, I said cheerfully, because I knew you would be down soon. You know Carl, at the barber shop'And Tina, youve seen her there too. Its all right, theyre married. They just dropped in to buy fifty ticks worth of -
    Without a word or even a nod, Wolfe turned all of his tenth of a ton and beat it out and toward the door to the len at the rear. The Vardas family stared at the doorway a moment and then turned to me.
    Sit down, I invited them. As you said, hes a great man. Hes sore because I didnt notify him we had company, and was expecting to sit there behind his desk - I waved a id - and ring for beer and enjoy himself. He wouldnt wiggle a finger for fifty dollars. Maybe I wont either, but lets

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