The Run (The Hell's Disciples MC Book 4)

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Book: The Run (The Hell's Disciples MC Book 4) by Jaci J Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jaci J
won the fucking lottery. Sneaky bitch.
    “Girl, you can keep your ass on my bike, but if you scratch it, I ain’t gonna be happy with you.” Rock adds before walking off, shaking his head.
    “I’ll take good care of her, Rock,” she calls after him, beaming. 
    “You’re evil.” I tell her.
    “You love it.”
    Not so sure about that.

    “Look at this” is the game we’re playing now. First it was the touching game, and now it’s the looking game.
    Sitting on the workbench in the shop, Lennon’s legs are swinging and the computer is in her lap. She is so fucking lost in the Internet that she’s not paying anyone any attention. You’d think she’d never seen a computer before. Not sure what’s worse, her questions or her fucking insistence that I, “Oh my God, look at this.” I want to tell her to, “Oh my God, shut the fuck up,” but I don’t. Something about it just seems mean.
    I handed her that little black box two hours ago and told her to keep her ass on the worktop and out of my way. I figured it would at least keep her hands off my shit. So far, she’s being good. Her ass is still on the worktop.
    But what she hasn’t done is shut the fuck up. She keeps pulling me away from what I’m doing with each, “Buck, look at this” or “Buck, check this out.” It’s always some stupid fucking thing she’s gotta show me immediately. I’ve watched videos of animals doing stupid shit, looked at pictures of places she wants to go, things she wants to buy, and heard songs she loves.
    What I can’t fucking help is how goddamn hot she is while doing all this annoying shit. It’s fucking irritating. Kicking her feet, smiling, laughing. I wanna drive a pickaxe into my fucking ear and fuck her goddamn brains out right there on that work bench.
    This shit is shit I do not need.
    I don’t need the sweet, the cute, the funny, and especially the fucking sexy. All that shit is a pretty package, wrapped up in a crazy bow. Been there, done that, and got fucked in the end. I’m not looking for a repeat. 
    This is Dan’s fault. “Here, watch the pretty little annoying girl,” he said. “Keep her safe, fed, entertained, and with you all the goddamn time.” Fucking Dan.
    I’m so fucked.
    With my head under the hood of a truck; flashlight in one hand, a wrench in the other, I hear, “Buck, I wanna go into town.” What I want is for Lennon to find something to do, other than ask me a million questions.
    “Not going into town right now.” I mutter from under the propped up hood. Jesus, I can already see her batting her eyelashes at me and shit.
    Feet meet the gravel floor of the shop and I pull my head from under the hood to see Lennon walking off, her ass swaying back and forth as she goes. “Your ass is supposed to be on that bench,” I holler after her. She just waves me off, dismissing me.
    “Lennon?” I try again, but it’s no use. She’s not stopping and I don’t really care.
    “You’re an asshole, Buck.” That’s true. Well, now maybe I can get some shit done.
    “Later, darlin’.” How much trouble can she get into around here anyways? The brothers will keep an eye on the dark-haired devil.

    Buck is cold today—uninterested and irritated. Today he doesn’t like me. Sunglasses firmly on and a curl to his lips, he’s being extra biker badass this afternoon. It’s a beautiful fucking thing to watch.
    Every word that comes from my mouth seems to annoy him more than the last. It’s fun. I was only trying to make friends, squish the awkwardness, but now I’m just trying to push his buttons because God knows it makes me weak in the knees when he gets all stern with me.
    Looking back over my shoulder at the shop where Buck’s hiding out, I shake my head. He doesn’t want to take me to town, that’s fine. I’ll find my own way, like usual. Buck’s in a mood and I’m having a hell of a time not punching his teeth down his throat anyways.
    I’m sure

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