Old English
Inherent Meaning: From the Broad Meadow
Spiritual Connotation: Joyful
Scripture: Proverbs 15:13 NASB
A joyful heart makes a cheerful face.
BRADY, Bradey (see also Brede )
Language/Cultural Origin: Irish
Inherent Meaning: Spirited
Spiritual Connotation: Gentle
Scripture: Galatians 5:22-23 NASB
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.
BRANDON, Brandan, Branddon, Branden, Brandin, Brandyn, Brannan, Brannon
Language/Cultural Origin: Old English
Inherent Meaning: From the Flaming Hill
Spiritual Connotation: Fervent
Scripture: Romans 12:11 NLT
Never be lazy in your work, but serve the Lord enthusiastically.
BRANDY, Brandee, Brandi, Brandie
Language/Cultural Origin: Middle Dutch
Inherent Meaning: Distilled Wine
Spiritual Connotation: Filled With Joy
Scripture: Psalms 4:7 NKJV
You have put gladness in my heart, more than in the season that their grain and wine increased.
BRANT, Brandt, Brannt, Brantley
Language/Cultural Origin: Czech
Inherent Meaning: Proud
Spiritual Connotation: Focused
Scripture: 2 Timothy 2:4 TLB
And as Christ’s soldier, do not let yourself become tied up in worldly affairs, for then you cannot satisfy the one who has enlisted you in his army.
BRAXTON, Braxtun
Language/Cultural Origin: Old English
Inherent Meaning: From Brock’s Town
Spiritual Connotation: Faithful
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 7:20 NKJV
Let each one remain in the same calling in which he was called.
BREANNE, Breann, Bre-Ann, Bre-Anne, Breeann, Breeanne, Breighann, Briann, Brianne, Brieann, Briene, Brienne, Bryanne (see also Brenna , Brianna )
Language/Cultural Origin: Celtic
Inherent Meaning: Strong
Spiritual Connotation: Dependent
Scripture: Psalm 68:34 NRSV
Ascribe power to God, whose majesty is over Israel; and whose power is in the skies.
BRECK, Brec, Brek, Brekk
Language/Cultural Origin: Irish
Inherent Meaning: Freckled
Spiritual Connotation: Approved
Scripture: Job 5:17 NKJV
Behold, happy is the man whom God corrects; therefore do not despise the chastening of the Almighty.
BREDE, Braede, Bréde (see also Brady )
Language/Cultural Origin: Scandinavian
Inherent Meaning: Glacier
Spiritual Connotation: Immovable
Scripture: Job 38:29-30 NLT
Who is the mother of the ice? Who gives birth to the frost from the heavens? For the water turns to ice as hard as rock, and the surface of the water freezes.
BRENDA, Brendie
Language/Cultural Origin: Old Norse
Inherent Meaning: Sword
Spiritual Connotation: Glory of God
Scripture: Psalms 70:4 NASB
Let all who seek You rejoice and be glad in You; and let those who love Your salvation say continually, let God be magnified.
BRENDAN, Brenden, Brendin, Brendon, Brenndan
Language/Cultural Origin: Irish
Inherent Meaning: Stinking Hair
Spiritual Connotation: Devout
Scripture: 1 Timothy 1:5 NASB
But the goal of our instruction is love from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith.
BRENNA, Brena, Brenin, Brennah, Brennaugh, Brynna
Language/Cultural Origin: Irish
Inherent Meaning: Little Raven
Spiritual Connotation: Faithful Friend
Scripture: Philippians 2:13 NCV
God is working in you to help you want to do and be ab le to do what pleases him.
BRENNAN, Brennen, Brennon
Language/Cultural Origin: Irish
Inherent Meaning: Little Raven
Spiritual Connotation: Gift of God
Scripture: Romans 6:23 NKJV
For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
BRENTON, Brendt, Brent, Brentan, Brenten, Brentin, Brentton, Brentyn
Language/Cultural Origin: English
Inherent Meaning: From the Steep Hill
Spiritual Connotation: Wise
Scripture: Ecclesiastes 4:13 RSV
Better is a poor and wise youth than an old and foolish king, who will no longer take advice.
BRETT, Bret, Brette
Language/Cultural Origin: Scottish
Inherent Meaning: Gifted
Spiritual Connotation: Blessed
Scripture: Proverbs 18:16 NRSV
A gift opens doors; it gives access to the great.
BRIAN, Briant, Brien,
Miss Roseand the Rakehell