Destined to Reign

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Authors: Joseph Prince
deals with you as with sons; for what son is there whom a father does not chasten?” Even if you do not know that the Greek word for “chastens” here actually means “child training”, you would be able to deduce it from this verse, which tells us that because God deals with us as sons, He disciplines us just as earthly fathers would their sons.
    Would you give your son a terminal disease to teach him a lesson? Then, why do you think that your Father in heaven would do that?
    Now, think about this for a moment: Would you give your son a terminal disease to teach him a lesson?
    No way!
    Then, why do you think that your Father in heaven would do that?
    Let me give you a Bible study tip: When you read the Bible, be sure to read everything within its context because when you take the “text” out of its “context”, what you are left with is a “con”! Many believers are hoodwinked into believing “cons” and erroneous teachings when something is lifted and taught out of its context.
    I’ve never understood how people could see a terminal illness as a lesson from God. They say things like, “God gave that person a terminal illness to teach him patience”. My friend, what lesson is there to learn after the person dies from that terminal illness?
    You need to be alive for the lesson to be useful. There is no use for patience when one is dead!
    Let me say this again to make it very clear: Sicknesses, diseases and accidents are not lessons from God! When you train a child, you give lessons that teach the child things that will benefit him in the future. There is no future if the child is dead. God would never use sicknesses and accidents to teach you and me — His children — lessons!
    God’s righteous anger against sin has been satisfied and today, we can expect only love from Him, not judgment. We can expect grace, not punishment. We will never be punished in the old covenant way ever again! In the new covenant, while there is no longer any punishment, there is child training , but God does not train His children with sicknesses, diseases and accidents any more than you and I do!
    How Would You Discipline Your Children?
    If you ask me whether there is correction in the Christian walk, I will say, “Yes, absolutely.” But it is important that we understand that God corrects us the way a father corrects his son. Would you torture your own son with sicknesses, diseases and pains to teach him a lesson?
    Would you force your son to put his hand into the fire until the smell of burning flesh fills the kitchen to teach him not to play with fire or to touch a gas stove? Can you imagine doing that and saying, “Do you know why daddy is doing this? It’s because daddy loves you. Now, you know that fire can burn you, so don’t play with matches anymore”?
    Would you drive your car over your daughter’s legs to teach her the dangers of playing by the side of the road? Can you imagine saying, “Come, girl, be strong! Daddy loves you, so he is doing this for your good. You will understand it some day”? Of course not! Parents who do such things should be incarcerated! There is a “special home” for parents who are like that.
    Sadly, there are still Christians who accuse our heavenly Father of afflicting them with sicknesses and accidents to teach them lessons. With teachings like that, it’s no wonder believers are wandering in the wilderness, thinking that God is angry with them and looking for opportunities to destroy them. What kind of God do you think we have? He is our Abba ! Abba is the most affectionate term you can use to address a father in the Hebrew language. It means “Daddy”! Do you really think that your Daddy God will punish you this way?
    If you earthly fathers know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more your heavenly Daddy who loves you! I don’t have to tell you that sicknesses, diseases and accidents aren’t good gifts! They are from the devil, and because of Jesus’

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