Demon's Embrace

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Book: Demon's Embrace by V. J. Devereaux Read Free Book Online
Authors: V. J. Devereaux
Tags: Suspense, Contemporary, Paranormal
sexy fangs and licked her lips. She suspected she knew what it was he needed. What would it be like to feel those sharp tips against her skin?
    Miri cleared her throat a little. Something in his voice seemed to echo inside her and sent a flush of heat into her belly, into her core. The look in his eyes matched it, started a fire beneath her skin, warmth flooded it.
    “Is there?” she asked and shivered a little as his hands tightened.
    Then he lowered his mouth to hers.
    His lips were firm, the brush of them against hers gentle. His tongue, more slender than most and clearly forked, teased at the seam between hers then slipped between. That tongue twined with her own to taste her. A shot of lust speared through her.
    Once more she sighed, this time in pure pleasure.
    Sliding her hands up, around and over the strong muscles of his shoulders to the nape of his neck she found the leather thong that bound his hair and stripped it away so she could run her hands through the silken strands. They spilled through her fingers like water.
    A sigh of pleasure whispered out of her at the feel of it, at the feel of his mouth on hers, his tongue exploring her. His tail curled around her hips to pull her close even as his hands did, until she was pressed hard against him, his hips against hers and the long, rigid length of his cock settled against her mound.
    Heat poured through her in a torrent.
    The taste of her, the feel of her, filled him, the neat indentation that was the curve of her waist, the light press of her breasts against his chest. His cock ached, throbbed.
    “There is,” Ash confirmed, in response to her question.
    Heat, pleasure, slid through him. So sweet, this joining. He’d never thought to know this. To have found it now when he’d all but given up…
    He slid his hands up her back until he found the zipper to her dress and drew it down ever so slowly until it stopped just above the fine tight globes of her ass. As the sides of the dress parted it was as if he’d released her scent, her warm skin having heated it. Sliding his hands within the parted folds, he caressed her, ran his hands up the long, strong muscles of her back, her skin as soft as rose petals to his touch. He skimmed his hands over her shoulders.
    The dress whispered down her body, floated down to her feet.
    Every muscle in Ash’s body locked for a moment as she was revealed to him.
    She was glorious, beautiful, her firm full breasts cupped in gleaming rose-gold lace, the ripe globes of them the color of pearls in the flickering light, the taut nipples hardening beneath the fabric in response to his gaze.
    In wonder, he let the palms of his hands float over her, grazing those tender tips lightly as they passed over them before he curled his hands around her ribs and his tail wrapped around her lace-enclosed hips.
    He liked to see it there, his tail, wound tightly around her. More that she didn’t flinch at the feel of it encircling her.
    Deliberately slowly, watching her eyes, he slid his hands behind her again and unhooked her bra. Her golden lashes fluttered a little as each little hook gave way beneath his fingers.
    The weight of it, the fullness of her breast, filled Ash’s hand sweetly as he drew the scrap of lace from her and let it fall. On a soft groan, he closed a hand around her, his red skin brilliant against the gold-tinted paleness of her skin, his claws indenting her tender flesh slightly. The look of that ripe globe in his hand, the feel of it, was incredible. Heat shot through him as her nipple furled tighter while he watched, practically inviting him to suck on it.
    Looking up into her luminous eyes, Ash let his tail tug her even closer and brushed his mouth over that sensitive nub. She quivered.
    With his tail keeping her close, drawing on her hardened nipple, he settled his hands on her hips, slid them down over the curve of them until her panties whispered down her legs to join her bra and she stood naked before him.
    On a

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