All Worked Up: Pleasure Inn, Book 2

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Book: All Worked Up: Pleasure Inn, Book 2 by Cathryn Fox Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cathryn Fox
Tags: Romance
place. He could almost see her body stir to life. Almost hear her mind reeling with possibilities.
    In two long strides he closed the distance between them and pressed his fingers to her lips. “Shh.”
    He watched her throat work as she swallowed and knew, by the heated look in her eyes, her untamed passion and desires matched his. She wanted this as much as he did. No questions about it.
    He gripped her slim waist and packaged her soft body against his. Christ, she felt so incredible in his arms, he could only imagine how wonderful she’d feel trapped between his legs. Nudging her feet with his, he backed her up until the rear of her knees hit the padded table. Eyes wide, questioning, her chest rose and fell with her erratic breathing.
    He tugged her T-shirt out from her tight jeans. When his fingers connected with her soft skin, his brain nearly shut down. “I’m going to give you what you want, Lindsay.”
    Her voice hitched, color bloomed high on her cheeks. “How do you know what I want?” He heard the intrigue in her voice and felt her hips push against him. It was a slight movement but hadn’t gone unnoticed.
    He offered her a slow smile. “You’re going to have to trust me on that one.”
    “I can’t possibly see—”
    He pitched his voice low and demanded in a deep tone. “Take off your clothes. Nice and slow.” He touched her arm and felt her body shake with excitement.
    “You’ve got to be kidding me?” Her voice betrayed her emotions. He could see the passion, the invitation building in her eyes.
    He shook his head. “Not even for a minute.”
    “Take them off, Lindsay. Now. Nice and slow like I told you. If you don’t follow the rules, I’m afraid you’ll be punished.”
    He slid his hand between her legs and cupped her sex, just to prove just how serious he was.
    An edgy laugh morphed into a heated moan. He noted the way her legs wobbled. “ Sweet mother of God ,” she whispered under her breath. Then she starched her spine and met his glace. “What if I don’t want to?” Her voice lacked conviction. They both knew it.
    He trailed his finger over her arm and felt the goose bumps on her flesh. “You do. Now take them off. Then I want you sprawled out on that bench. I want you naked, hot and wet, and begging me to fuck you.”
    “Ohmigod,” he heard her gasp as his lips closed over hers for a deep, intense, mind-numbing kiss. He slipped his tongue inside her delicious mouth and spent a long moment just tasting her lush sweetness. Jesus, he wanted to devour her. All of her. Right now.
    Lindsay inched back, her eyes clouded with emotion, her voice breathless. “This can only be about sex, Brad. Just to help ease the tension between us. Nothing more.”
    “Naturally,” he agreed, lightheartedly, feeling anything but. He might have readily agreed with her, the truth was, he wanted to see where this led them. With that he gave her a gentle push.
    Lindsay landed on the bench, her legs spread. Brad let out an agonized groan as his groin tightened and throbbed in heated anticipation. Jesus, he’d never felt such intense desire before. It took all his strength and willpower not to act on his natural urges and answer the demands of his body. At the moment he’d like nothing more than to strip her clothes off, spread her legs wide open and sink his cock into her damp heat. Honestly, it practically killed him not to ravish her caveman style, to push inside her pussy and fuck her until sundown. But, right now, this was about Lindsay, so he needed to control those urges for the time being.
    He growled low in his throat as she sat there, eyes glazed with lust as she awaited his instructions. God dammit he wanted her. So much so that he ached to the point of pain. He took a moment to get himself under control before he fucked her with wild abandon.
    Obviously not wanting to give him time to catch up and anxious to get the game started, she asked, “What is it

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