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Book: Shattered by Sophia Sharp Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sophia Sharp
said. Then she smiled. “You explain it very wel .”
    “Nah,” he said, waving the compliment away. “You just pick it up very quickly.”
    “Maybe. So, what else does this place do? …Now that I’ve gotten the entire airplane safety lecture,” she added with a wink.
    “Oh, I can show you,” Logan replied, with a mischievous twinkle in his eye.

Chapter Ten
    ~A Watcher~
    Laura felt exhilarated. She’d spent the last few hours exploring this world together with Logan. Reality real y wa s mutable here, and she couldn’t believe the things they could do.
    What stood out most to her was that you could go anywhere. Really anywhere. You had to know your spot to get to it, though, which meant you have to have been there in real life. Unfortunately for Laura, she hadn’t been much further than the border of the town where she grew up. Fortunately, Logan had.
    “Ready?” he asked after explaining how traveling would work. She nodded, and took his hand. Instantly, everything around her started streaking in one direction. Landscapes raced by, towns and cities and mountains and highways and rivers and fields, al flashing by her in the blink of an eye. It didn’t feel like she was moving – there was no wind in her face, no resistance from the air like when you put your hand out the window of a speeding car. But everything around her changed, rushing by.
    She couldn’t do it by herself, yet, which was why she needed to take Logan’s hand. It was the only way he could bring her along where he went. Final y they stopped, and Laura found herself atop a lush green hil , where wild flowers and grasses grew as far as the eye could see. The sun shone brightly above them, radiating heat onto Laura’s body.
    She laughed and twirled around, spreading her hands to feel the flora brush against them. Logan laughed too, and sped down the hil , taunting Laura to fol ow. She ran after him, right through the tal grass and colorful flowers. Her toe caught and she tripped, but the soft dirt cushioned her fal , and she didn’t even bother to get up as she rol ed down the hil laughing and giggling.
    At the bottom, Logan was waiting. She landed right at his feet, and another fit of giggles overtook her. He pul ed her up, laughing alongside her.
    “This is wonderful!” she exclaimed for what must have been the tenth time thus far. “Everything about this place! The feeling of freedom, the absolute control, the endless possibilities… it’s wonderful!”
    “Glad you like it,” Logan smiled.
    “Although I’ve been wondering,” Laura added, “is it possible to bring things into this world?”
    “Like what?”
    “Objects, maybe?”
    “You have to know it very wel . Like…” he thought for a moment, and Laura jumped as his Volvo fel down behind her.
    “Your car?” she said, raising an eyebrow.
    He spread his hands defensively and smiled. “I’ve been working on it for a very long time. You try.”
    “On what?” Laura asked.
    “Something simple, at first. A purse maybe. It’s just like anything else here, you have to picture it down to its finest details.”
    “Hmm. Ok.” Laura thought for a second, and then a heavy book appeared in her hands.
    “A book?” This time, Logan rose an eyebrow.
    “No, not just any book,” she said, and threw it to him. He caught it, and flipped it over in his hands.
    “Our math book,” he chuckled.
    “That’s how al this started, after al .”
    “That’s right,” Logan said.
    Just then, Laura felt a shiver run down her spine. She turned back, wondering what caused it. Logan caught her movement.
    “What is it?” he asked.
    “I thought I felt something,” she said slowly, then shook her head. “Never mind. It’s gone now.”
    “Are you sure?”
    “I think so, yes.”
    “Ok,” Logan said. Then he extended his hand to her. “Want to see something real y cool?”
    “Of course,” Laura replied, and took it.
    Again, landscapes raced by, streaking alongside Laura. And then

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