Moonlight Kin 4: Tristan
really read him wrong. Or perhaps,
she’d read him right the first time. He was a monster after
    A strange calm came over her. Izzy loosened
her seatbelt to face him. “Don’t threaten my family,” she snarled.
“I may not be as strong as you, but I will find a way to stop
    Tristan’s hands clutched the wheel until his
knuckles turned white. “It’s not me who is threatening their
existence,” he said.
    “Then who is?” she snapped. “Because it sure
as hell sounds like you talking.”
    “The Darkling,” he said with impatience.
    “Is that supposed to mean something to me?”
Izzy asked. He’d mentioned she was being hunted. Why differentiate
the Moonlight Kin from the Darklings? All monsters were the same,
weren’t they?
    Izzy had lied when she’d told Mindy that the
monsters were just like humans. They weren’t. They were far
    Her sister had mentioned something
about a Darkling. What did she say? The music had been so loud
and Izzy had still been reeling over Celina’s death, so she hadn’t
asked a lot of questions. Now she wished she had.
    “Yes, the word should mean something to you,”
he said through gritted teeth.
    “Well it doesn’t,” she said just to aggravate
him. “Right now the only person threatening me and my family is
    She faced the window once more. Izzy had to
get away from Tristan. It had been a mistake to think she was in
any way safe around him. Tristan might claim he’d protect her, but
after that statement there was no way she’d ever trust him. They
were no longer just talking about her life.
    “Where are we going?” she asked, so she could
tell Stone. At this point, he was her only hope of getting out of
this mess alive.
    If Tristan thought she’d put herself in
danger to help him kill someone—to help him period—he was wrong.
Izzy had no intention of getting in the middle of this monster war.
Let them wipe each other out. It would make her life much easier if
they did.
    She glanced at Tristan and pictured him
covered in blood. Instead of relief, the thought brought only
    He put his blinker on and took the Barataria
Boulevard exit toward Jean Lafitte Park. The traffic thinned as he
continued down the road.
    Eventually, Tristan turned right. It looked
as if he were driving into the woods, but it turned out to be a
poorly maintained gravel road. The truck bounced as it hit the
potholes, jarring Izzy.
    Trees scraped the side of the doors as they
squeezed their way along the unmarked road. Izzy heard Tristan
curse under his breath as a particularly large branch scratched his
    So he did care about one thing , she
thought. Typical guy.
    Tristan turned left onto a game trail. It
certainly wasn’t a road. The overgrowth was even worse, though she
didn’t know how that was possible given what they’d just driven
through. Tristan drove over downed limbs and squeezed his way
through the woods. At one point, he had to cross a murky
    His curses grew louder. Most were aimed at
    Izzy said nothing. Instead, she paid
attention to the route they were taking. Somehow she’d have to
explain to Stone where they were located. It wouldn’t be easy
without street signs. Hopefully he was from around here and would
know what she meant. Because as far as Izzy could tell, they were
in the middle of the woods next to the swamp, which in Louisiana
could be just about anywhere.
    * * * * *
    Tristan had said what he’d said to anger
Isabel. If she were angry with him, then she’d keep her distance.
The spot in the center of his chest ached. Tristan ignored it. What
he was doing was for the best—for both of them.
    She was human. He was Moonlight Kin. Their
worlds were never meant to intertwine.
    He thought about Damon Laroche and Aidan
Fortier. Both Alphas had taken human females as mates. They’d even
managed to breed true, but that didn’t mean the Lycanian Elders and
the rest of the packs wanted consorting with humans to

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