A Most Peculiar Circumstance

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Book: A Most Peculiar Circumstance by Jen Turano Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jen Turano
Tags: Romance
look was a new rage she’d picked up in California.”
    “Or jail,” she heard Theodore mutter behind her.
    She stepped back slowly and brought the heel of her shoe down right on top of his toes.
    A soft umph was his only response, but it was enough . . . for now.
    “How . . . interesting,” Mrs. Murdock said slowly. “I’m not certain that particular rage will catch on here, Miss Beckett, so you might consider letting your hair grow out again, only that might take some time.”
    “Well, it was delightful seeing everyone,” Felicia said, suddenly speaking up. “I fear the weather is beginning to turn, so Mother and I should be on our way.”
    “But I haven’t seen Gloria in forever,” Mrs. Murdock said. “Or Arabella, for that matter. And Eliza and I haven’t had a proper talk since that disaster at my ball.”
    Gloria stepped forward. “Then you simply must agree to come to the small dinner party I’m holding tonight in honor of Arabella’s return. We’ll catch up then.”
    “I would adore that,” Mrs. Murdock said.
    “Do bring Felicia and your husband, and if any of those charming sons of yours aren’t busy tonight, by all means bring them as well,” Gloria said with another telling wink.
    It would seem her mother wasn’t exactly particular anymore about which gentlemen she shoved into Arabella’s path.
    “I’m afraid my sons have already made plans to attend the opera this evening,” Mrs. Murdock said. “I’ll be certain to tell Jeffrey, though, that your daughter has returned to town. He’s always spoken very highly of her.” She sent Arabella a smile, but then her eyes widened as she glanced to Arabella’s right. “Mr. Wilder, I didn’t see you there. Is something the matter, dear? You’ve got a most peculiar look on your face.”
    Arabella shot a glance at Theodore, and once again the man was scowling. But then he blinked, the look disappeared, and a charming smile spread over his face. “I wasjust contemplating why all of us are standing around when we’ll soon be together again at the dinner party I had no idea Gloria was hosting but am certainly looking forward to attending.” He nodded to Felicia. “Miss Murdock, you’re looking lovely today.”
    Felicia turned red, grabbed her mother’s arm, and began pulling her away.
    “Felicia, what has gotten into you?” Arabella heard Mrs. Murdock mutter before her voice drifted to nothing and they disappeared from view.
    Gloria waited until Mrs. Murdock’s hat was out of sight before she moved to Arabella’s side and frowned. “Dear, you have yet to explain why you went running off into the crowd in that surprising fashion. By Theodore’s less-than-pleased expression when you returned, I’m afraid you’ve once again become embroiled in something uncharacteristically disturbing.”
    Arabella blew out a breath. “Mother, in case you’ve forgotten, I’ve just arrived here. While I would love nothing more than to explain my recent behavior, may I suggest we wait to do so until we’re driving home? If you’re hosting a dinner party tonight, I, for one, will need time to freshen up.”
    “That’s a stellar idea, Arabella” Zayne said. “I took the liberty of having your luggage delivered to Hamilton’s carriage, while Theodore’s has been taken to mine.”
    “Were three carriages really necessary?” Arabella asked.
    “I don’t consider Mother’s phaeton a real carriage, and besides, there is the pesky little matter of her driving abilities to consider.” Zayne smiled at Gloria when she let out a huff and then turned back to Arabella. “It’s true that I could have traveled with Hamilton and Eliza, but, well, just look at them, exchanging those nauseating looks all the time, and well . . . it was best I brought my own conveyance.”
    “Why can’t I ride with you?” Arabella asked.
    “Because you and Theodore seem just about ready to strangle each other. I’m going to allow my friend a respite from

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