Heritage of Lancaster County 02 The Confession

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Book: Heritage of Lancaster County 02 The Confession by Unknown Read Free Book Online
Authors: Unknown
    If he were genuinely interested in learning of Katie's prior whereabouts and her past, why was it he continued to veer the conversation away from the very things Laura longed to discover about Katie Lapp? All of it puzzled her, and she felt a panicky sensation come over her, triggering a violent attack of leg tremors.
    She cried out, grimacing in pain.
    Immediately, Dylan stood to his feet, staring sharply. She was certain he was repulsed, could read it in his eyes in spite of her blurred vision.
    When she heard Katie gasp, Laura tried desperately to speak, to smooth over what must be a horrifying moment for the others. But her voice was also shaky.
    Nurse Judah took charge. "I'll see to Mrs. Bennett," she said, steering the wheelchair out of the room.
    Not now, Laura fretted as she was sped away to her bedroom. When they were out of sight, she clutched at her left leg. Please, Lord Jesus, not now.
    The housemaids and servants seemed to know without being told. An undercurrent of conversation could be heard throughout the Bennett mansion as hired staff flew about making additional last-minute plans.
    "It seems Master Bennett has located his wife's daughter. They're getting acquainted in Mrs. Bennett's suite at this moment," Selig was overheard telling the head steward.
    "By all means, create an additional pJ.ace setting," Garrett replied, directing traffic by the mere lift of his brow.
    "Anyone laid eyes on the mistress's daughter?" the butler asked.
    One of the cooks admonished him with a wave of a spatula. "Talk to your wife. Rosie can tell you what the girl looks like, I'll bet."
    "The girl?" Garrett said, holding a round tray in midair. A curious smile played across his lips. "How old is she?"
    "No one seems to know her exact age," Selig offered from his post beside the cutting board. "But my bet is she strongly resembles Mrs. Bennett."
    "One would certainly hope so," said Theodore, who had stepped into the kitchen from the utility room, where he had been observing the banter, rather amused at the playful
    83 speculation going on about him. At his appearance, the palaver did not cease; rather, it continued, and little by little, small groups of workers could be heard whispering as they rolled out pies, gathered necessary condiments for the after- dinner coffee, or dispersed clean linens and accessories to the guest room.
    Searching out his nephew in particular, he spoke up. "May I have a word with you?" He bobbed his head toward the hallway.
    Garrett, preoccupied with the precise arrangement of hors d'oeuvres on a brass tray, continued working. "Can it wait a moment?"
    "I'd rather it not."
    His nephew peered up at him, looking rather startled. "Why... Uncle, what is it?"
    "Drop everything and come ... now," Theodore commanded, and although he hadn't recalled speaking so sternly to his only living relative, the truth was, he had need of Garrett.
    If only for the sake of extreme curiosity.
    Fortunately, Garrett did not take his uncle literally about dropping everything, for the enormous platter was splendidly arrayed with before-dinner delicacies--tantalizing in appearance, and at this point in the planning, quite nearly finished.
    Summoning Selig to take over, Garrett hurriedly wiped his hands on a towel and followed his uncle into the hallway. "What could be more important than the hors d'oeuvres?" he asked when they were alone in a corner of the south corridor, far enough removed from the kitchen for privacy and close enough to the butler's pantry door in case an escape was necessary.
    "The hors d'oeuvres can wait." Theodore leaned forward, glancing about to check for eavesdroppers. "Now, what's all this fuss about a reunion with Mrs. Bennett and
    her daughter? I've caught nothing but snippets all morning."
    A wrinkled frown hovered on the steward's brow. "It seems the mistress's daughter has turned up out of nowhere. Straightaway... out of the blue."
    "Hmm, quite intriguing, I must

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