Godzilla Returns

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Book: Godzilla Returns by Marc Cerasini Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marc Cerasini
the door swung open behind Brian. Yoshi and Nick jumped to their feet. Everett P. Endicott rose, too. Brian saw that May McGovern was ushering two men into the room. Leading the way was a distinguished-looking Japanese man with gray hair and horn-rimmed glasses. Brian could not see the second man, who was still behind the door, but he heard him speak.
    "It's not the network that wants you, son," a familiar voice announced with a slight Texas drawl. " I want you."
    Brian's eyes widened in amazement as a giant of an American with an erect, military bearing stepped into the room.
    "Uncle Maxwell!" Brian cried out in astonishment.


    May 29, 1998, 6:55 P.M.
Office of the Japanese bureau chief
Independent News Network
Tokyo, Japan

    Standing next to Brian, Nick couldn't resist the urge. He reached out, put his hand under his roommate's chin, and pushed Brian's mouth closed. Brian blinked, then shook himself out of his astonishment.
    Meanwhile, a tall, imposing figure entered the room. He wore a tailored U.S. Navy dress blue uniform. His dark hair was streaked with silver, and his face had been lined by sun, salt-spray, and harsh weather. Despite his stern, craggy features, the man Brian called "Uncle Maxwell" had an engaging smile. He extended his hand to Everett P. Endicott, who came around his desk to meet him.
    "Admiral Maxwell B. Willis, United States Navy," he said, gripping the portly man's hand.
    "Pleased to meet you, Admiral," Endicott said smoothly. " Now I understand why Brian's services were specifically requested," the bureau chief said. Admiral Willis winked. "My nephew's been in Japan almost three weeks, and he didn't even call. I figured he was avoiding me, and so I thought I'd get his attention."
    There was a ripple of laughter that broke the tension in the now-crowded office. The admiral reached out and touched the older Japanese man on the shoulder.
    "May I introduce my friend and colleague, Dr. Hiroshi Nobeyama."
    The Japanese man bowed graciously, and after introductions were completed, the men - and May - got down to business.
    "Two days from now, on May 31, a joint task force of Japanese Navy ships and elements of the United States Air Force stationed in Korea are going to launch a preemptive strike against Godzilla."
    May gasped. Nick whooped in surprise.
    "This must be done while Godzilla is still in the relatively shallow waters of the Sea of Japan," Admiral Willis told his amazed listeners.
    "Of course," he added, "this information is top secret, and must not leave this room - for now. Officially , there will be an emergency meeting of the United Nations tomorrow, where all this will be hashed out by the Security Council in the public eye. Unofficially , I can tell you that this attack is a done deal. It will take place. Period."
    "How do you know where Godzilla is?" May McGovern asked. Nick noted that her long-dormant reporter's instinct was returning.
    "Helicopters equipped with sonar systems, as well as two Yuushio -class submarines of the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force, have been stalking Godzilla since his appearance this morning," the admiral answered.
    "What's the hurry?" Endicott blurted. "Maybe Godzilla won't even come ashore. Why ask for trouble?"
    It was Dr. Nobeyama who answered. "It does not matter whether or not Godzilla comes ashore," he said. "The monster will do great damage no matter where he goes. We know Godzilla wrecked the Pusan ferry. Several other ships have also been reported missing."
    "Why now?" Nick asked, his curiosity aroused. "What made Wonder Lizard return to life, or wake up from hibernation, or whatever he did?"
    Dr. Nobeyama smiled at the youth. "Two years ago, a Russian submarine was lost off the coast of China. Several weeks before that, the French government conducted the first open nuclear tests in the Pacific Ocean in many years -"
    "We think that Godzilla was awakened by those French hydrogen bomb tests in 1996," Admiral Willis

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