Surrounded by Pleasure

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Book: Surrounded by Pleasure by Mandy Harbin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mandy Harbin
lot. I
know she’s not available, which is a good thing,” he added quickly. “But, er,
I’m having a hard time accepting I can’t have her. I’m not sure how I’ll be
able to let her go when she has to leave.”
    Josh sighed. “Look, maybe you feel this way because of
the whole virgin thing—”
    “What the hell?” Toby barked, turning on his brother. How
the fuck did he know about that?
    Josh raised his hands in a placating gesture. “Sorry,
bro. Girls talk. And so do spouses. I mean . . . I don’t talk. Could just be a wife thing. I don’t know. I just sit
and listen.” He chuckled.
    Toby nodded on an exhale, understanding.
    “Anyway, Mikaela said Krista’s boyfriend is in the
military. Some special ops dude. He’s gone all the time, but they grew up
together. They plan on marrying each other, but he doesn’t want her tied to him
with the danger of his job. This is his last service. He’s not upping again,
and once he gets out, they’ll be exclusive.”
    “When does he get out?” Toby heard himself asking but was
too numb to feel the words coming out.
    “Eighteen months. They’re planning to get married about
six months after he returns.”
    He made a noncommittal noise, looking away. He knew she
was involved, but the evidence of it stung. After learning she’d been a virgin,
he’d hoped— No! Didn’t matter what
he’d hoped.
    “You ever fuck a woman and your fangs pop out?”
    Josh chuckled. “Oh, yeah. Those damn things were a pain
in the ass when I was sleeping with Mikaela before we mated. I even bit myself
once to keep from biting her.”
    Toby whirled. “What about with other women? Someone not
your mate?”
    Josh frowned. “No, I never wanted anybody but—son of a
bitch! Are you telling me that happened to you with Krista?”
    Toby nodded.
    “Shit, man. That’s major.”
    “That’s what I was worried about. I tried to stay away
from her. You know I did. But it’s like I’m drawn to her, and I have no power to
fight that attraction.”
    “You have to. She’ll be leaving here when Mikaela is
finished needing her with her lawyer stuff. She has a life away from here. A love away from here.”
    Toby’s chest ached. He didn’t want to think about all
that. Not now. “What do I do?”
    Josh gripped Toby’s shoulder. “You enjoy her while you
can. Don’t worry about the future. These things have a way of working
themselves out, but if it doesn’t work out in your favor, then worry about that
after she’s gone.”
    That was exactly what he’d do. What choice did he have?
    * * * *
    Krista awoke to the smell of scrumptious bacon, and her
stomach growled like she hadn’t eaten in days. She eased out of the bed and
felt the delicious soreness at the apex of her thighs. She smiled as her hand
drifted to the source. She wasn’t a virgin anymore. It was a surreal feeling,
but that thought took a backseat to the one of Toby. Of him smiling at her,
talking to her, and loving her. Loving? Making love was what she meant to think.
    She looked around the floor for her shirt, but saw his
draped over the dresser. She grabbed it and put it on, only buttoning a few of
the middle buttons. She rolled up the sleeves as she walked into the main room
which housed the living room and kitchen. Toby had his back to her, standing at
the stove. She walked over to him and slid her arms around his chest, hugging
him from behind. “Good morning,” she mumbled against his back.
    He clutched her hands and brought them up to his face,
kissing them. “Good morning, baby.” Then he turned and kissed her sweetly.
    She pulled away and covered her mouth. “I haven’t brushed
my teeth,” she mumbled through her hand.
    He chuckled as he pointed to the door. “I had Jeffery
bring your things over here. You can brush your teeth and take out your contacts.
I know your eyes must be sore leaving them in all night.” He leaned down and
kissed each eyelid before turning back to the bacon.
    She gaped at

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