Tipping Point: The War With China - the First Salvo (Dan Lenson Novels)
turning our armed forces into some sort of Gestapo that enforces the will of the United Nations around the world, ending in tyranny.
    “This woman knows you?” Niles whispered from behind a large hand. “She’s drunk.”
    MRS. MACLAY . Admiral Niles, were you aware of such activities on the part of Mr. Lenson, Captain Lenson, before his being placed in command?
    ADMIRAL NILES . Ma’am, I have known Daniel V. Lenson since he was a junior officer. I believe that at one time he dated a woman who was involved in those circles. However, he has rendered sterling service in very demanding circumstances. I have never believed all leaders are cast from the same mold, or that one step out of line, as long as it’s for praiseworthy reasons, renders an officer unfit for command.
    MRS. TREHERNE . Is that so, Admiral? Then he’s pulled the wool over your eyes, that’s for sure. Let me ask him one question. Lenson. One direct question.
    MR. LA BLANC . Really, this is going beyond the prerogatives of a guest of the subcommittee. Did we come here to conduct a witch hunt, or to examine policy?
    MRS. MACLAY . I rather agree, but in the interests of clarification, I would tend to let the congresswoman ask her single question of the witness. One only.
    MRS. TREHERNE . Very good. Captain Lenson, then.
    CAPTAIN LENSON . Yes, Congresswoman.
    MRS. TREHERNE . You are in command of a ship that has these antimissile missiles. We, the Americans, launch a missile that’s headed for an enemy population center. Not a military installation. A city. Will you shoot that down? Yes or no?
    Dan took a deep breath. Beside him Niles was still as a mountain. Szerenci’s proton-beam stare was scorching him from the opposite side. The national security adviser hissed, “Of course you wouldn’t. Just say so.” And Blair, no doubt, was glaring at his back.
    MRS. MACLAY . Captain Lenson? Will you respond to the question?
    CAPTAIN LENSON . To my knowledge, attacks on population centers are not part of our war planning.
    ADMIRAL NILES . If I may? This is a speculative question based on a highly unlikely hypothetical. It’s unfair to pose this as some kind of litmus test, without first providing the ROEs and guidance from higher authority we are discussing in this subcommittee.
    MRS. TREHERNE . But we attacked cities in World War II. If we do it again, whose side will you be on, Captain Lenson? I ask once more, yes or no: would you shoot down our own missile?
    DR. SZERENCI . I must protest. I understand this is closed session. But this type of discussion, on the record in any way … if made public, it could seriously compromise our deterrent posture.
    MRS. TREHERNE . I see he’s avoiding the question. Hiding behind his superiors. Or is he taking the Fifth?
    Dan sat with his head propped on his right hand. Answer the question, then shut up … and, by the way, don’t make news. Unfortunately, it wasn’t turning out that straightforwardly. Each second seemed to stretch out even longer than it had when a missile had been burning its way down toward Savo Island . And only flawed engineering, or too-hasty assembly, had resulted in its not tearing through steel and flesh to explode at last deep inside her hull. He’d put his crew’s life on the line, to defend others. Just like any cop on the street, any day, in any city.
    There had to be rules. But there had to be something above, or behind, the rules of the job, too.
    A poke and a note: Don’t answer this bitch. Don’t fall for her tricks . Blair’s handwriting again.
    But he couldn’t just sit here. That would be admitting her accusations. Hiding behind silence.
    CAPTAIN LENSON . I will answer the congresswoman’s question.
    MRS. TREHERNE . Good, at long last.
    CAPTAIN LENSON . In the circumstances you cite, such a weapon would have to have been launched in defiance of established U.S. policy: that we limit collateral damage, that we don’t target enemy populations as such. Therefore, the answer is:

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