Hearts On Fire

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Book: Hearts On Fire by Penny Childs Read Free Book Online
Authors: Penny Childs
for dinner to be served. He
noted the smirk his little brother wore and scowled at him before addressing
his mother. “I wouldn’t call her behavior flighty, mother. Her husband died ten
days ago. It could be she’s grieving.” This he was explaining to a woman who as
far as he knew hadn’t shed one tear when her husband of fifty-four years had
dropped dead of a heart attack in the north pasture. He didn’t know why he was
         “There’s more to it than
that and I know it. Besides, hiding up there in her room alone isn’t going to solve
a damn thing. She needs her family.”
         JD sighed and set the
magazine aside. Unfolding his long frame from the chair, he said, “Fine. I’ll
go see if she’s okay. If she won’t come down maybe she’ll take dinner in her
         Arlene tilted her head at
him. “She’ll take dinner down here with the rest of the family. I raised all of
you children with manners.”
         JD nearly snapped at her
then stopped himself. Arguing with her never worked. Not even for a lawyer, he
mused. No, arguing didn’t work. He’d have to handle her, if it came to it. And
that he’d gotten much better at over the years. It gave him a whole new respect
for his father. Growing up he’d never known just what it was the old man had to
put up with.
         Going up the steps he
thought of Julie. Poor Julie. What a mess she was in. And it would all come to
light tomorrow. Julie was nothing like their mother. She didn’t have the starch
Arlene did. Or the indifference to what other people felt and thought of her.
No, Julie would not weather this scandal very well. And a scandal was surely
just what this would become. Even with Matt at the helm. Word would leak out.
Word always leaked out. Especially in small towns like White Pigeon.
         “Julie,” he called
through her closed door. “Hey, mom is fit to be tied down there. She wants you
to come to the table.” He sighed. “I know this is rough on you, but maybe you
should just give her what she wants.”
         Nothing. Not a peep.
         “Okay. I’ll fight her off
for you.” He smiled. How many times had he stepped between mother and daughter?
In fact, Julie had even come to live with him the summer after she had
graduated high school because of the fights. Once she was in college and living
in the dorm she would be free, she’d told him. Which was of course what the
fights with Arlene had been about. It had taken every bit of his skill as a
lawyer to win that one. “I’ll have Leanna bring up a tray for you since you’re
being obstinate.” He turned from the door, already thinking of how he would
handle his mother when he heard it. The smallest of moans. The sound sent his
heart into overdrive. “Julie?” This time he didn’t let the door stand in his
way. He grabbed the knob and twisted as he shoved. When it resisted he put a
little shoulder into it, forcing it open. And what he saw nearly stopped his
thundering heart.
         His sister lay on the
floor, her skin as white as the snow, an empty pill bottle clutched in her
         Matt had been
absolutely right. A nap, a shower and some food had Lizzie feeling human
again. She smiled a little to herself. Of course he’d been right. Being a
police officer he was sure to know all about exhaustion. Just as she knew all
about it. She’d just been too overcome by fear for her sister to see it in
         “Oh, Katy, if only you
could have seen me. You would have been proud of yourself for making me worry
like that.” She squeezed Katy’s hand. “Why won’t you wake up?” she asked,
brushing a strand of blonde hair away from her brow. “The doctor says there’s
no reason for you to sleep like this.” But Lizzie knew it happened sometimes.
Likely Katy’s body was healing itself after the trauma it had suffered. Her
gaze went to her neck and lingered there on the bruises. “Who did this to

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