Bitch Reloaded
bitch probably performed bedroom tricks on Jamal that he had only seen in porno movies. When we fucked we were young and inexperienced. I was hardly the pro and neither was he. Between Rhonda and Supreme I knew how those chicks on the video sets were putting it down. Most rappers that had any sort of clout wouldn't even let a bitch step foot on the set unless she was coming out those thongs and getting down on her knees.
    "How nice, so was that the first video you worked on?"
    "No, it was my fourth or fifth. It was my first for Atomic Records though." Just like I thought, a ho-fessional.
    "I'm glad I stopped by that day, or I wouldn't have met my future wife." Nina leaned over and gave Jamal a passionate kiss on the lips. Jamal was in way over his head. He wasn't ready for the type of tricks this bitch had up her sleeves. I hoped she didn't have him too open, but my female intuitions told me she did.
    I lingered around and made idle chat until the bottle of Dom P. was finished. I enjoyed talking to Jamal, but Nina was getting on my damn nerves with all that mushy shit. She was trying way too hard to come off as some loving, doting, girlfriend. It was making me nauseated. Especially since I knew she was nothing more than a paper chaser who had lucked up and found a long-term sponsor in Jamal. Now understand, I wasn't hating on the chick's hustle, because I was the queen of hustle. What bothered me most was her phony ass acting all sweet and innocent when in actuality she was a straight up ho. If she was running this game on any other man, I'd tell her to get that money, but she wasn't. She was doing this to Jamal. He was my first. Nah, I was never in love with the nigga, not even puppy love, but I always admired his intelligence and respected his drive. To see him taken for a ride by some scandalous two-cent video chick was rubbing me the wrong way. But then again, who was I to judge.
    "Thank you for having me over, and Nina, dinner was incredible. It's getting late, and I really need to get home."
    "Are you okay to drive? You had a few glasses of champagne.
    "No, my driver's downstairs waiting so I'm in good hands." Jamal gave me a hug goodnight, and Nina and I gave each other fake hugs and air kisses. That bitch really thought she was about to start living the glamorous life.
    The next day, I was in the den reading over the documents my lawyer had drawn up to give to Atomic Records. We were seeking millions of dollars for them to buy the rights to Supreme's music, but something was telling me to hold up before signing over part of his legacy. I wasn't sure if I wanted to hand over what I considered to be the last piece of Supreme's soul. In the midst of my mulling over my decision, I heard Anna calling for me. "I'm in the den Anna."
    "Mrs. Mills, there is a woman by the name of Nina on the phone for you." Why in the fuck was Nina calling me? I thought to myself.
    "Thanks, I'll pick up the call in here." I paused and stared at the phone for a moment, wondering what the trick had up her sleeve. "What up, Nina?"
    "Hi, Precious. I hope you don't mind me calling, but it was Jamal's suggestion." Hmm, blame it on your fiancee. "We have floor seats to the Knicks game, but something came up and Jamal can't make it. He thought I should invite you."
    "I think I'll pass."
    "I don't want to go by myself, and I would hate to waste these tickets- they're very expensive."
    "I'm sure, but you don't have no homegirls you can call?"
    "No, I've never had a lot of female friends. That's why Jamal suggested I call you. He speaks so highly of you Precious. He thinks we would get along great. Please, I really don't want the tickets to go to waste."
    I let out a deep sigh, dreading to go anywhere with Miss Nina. My gut told me she was bad news, not for me, but for Jamal. I guess it wouldn't kill me to go with her; at least I could get a better idea what her real intentions were regarding him. "Fine, I'll go. What time should I be ready?"
    "Thank you

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