Do Dead People Watch You Shower?

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Book: Do Dead People Watch You Shower? by Concetta Bertoldi Read Free Book Online
Authors: Concetta Bertoldi
though she wanted to go, she did seem to know and understand that.

Do the dead feel bad if we never visit them at the cemetery?
    No, because they are not there. The cemetery is purely for the living so that we have a place to associate with our loved ones. They do hear our thoughts there, but they hear our thoughts no matter where we are—the funny thing is that they are just as likely to be in the car with us as we are driving to the cemetery—it really isn’t necessary to sit next to a gravestone to talk to a spirit who has crossed. Really, leaving flowers and gifts at the gravesite is meant to provide comfort to the grieving friends and family members. For us, things we place on a grave are symbols of our love. But most likely They would be saying to us, “Don’t waste your money on those flowers, hon.”

Do souls who have crossed miss us as much as we miss them?
    I don’t think so, because they’re here with us. Look at it this way: Right now, if you had relatives who lived in another state—let’s say you lived in New Jersey and they lived in Florida—you can’t see them all the time. Maybe you miss them, but you aren’t grieving that you don’t see them. Now let’s say you could lift out of your body and, just by thinking of it, be poolside or hanging out with them in some nice air-conditioned mall. They can’t see or hear you, but you see and hear them. As a rule, this ability to be close to loved ones still living seems to be pretty satisfying to those who have crossed over. I think the only time They might feel anything like grief of this kind is if there was some unfinished business, or something they had wanted to say. But even then they are in a place of total peace and forgiveness so I don’t think it’s the same.

Do the souls of our loved ones ever want to come back to us? Are they sorry they left?
    I have never had a soul tell me they are sorry they left. Maybe they are not entirely happy about the circumstances of their crossing, but that’s something different—they don’t want those they’ve left on this side to be upset and grieving their loss so deeply. If they have left someone suffering or left someone feeling guilty, they are sorry for this.
    Remember, we are not of this physical world. Ultimately we belong to the larger universe that is God. We’re here in this small part of the universe to study and learn and have certain experiences that only the physical world can offer. Dying and being on the Other Side is like summer vacation. It’s a rare child who will say that she wishes she could go back to school before September, and likewise I’ve never heard a soul express the wish to go back before it’s her time to reincarnate. Once they are on the Other Side, they understand the journey they’ve just completed. They love us still. Their love lasts through eternity. But the Other Side is paradise and unlimited and they don’t need to come back into physical form to be with us.

Can you explain how you communicate with the spirits of people who have passed away? What is the physical process?
    The best way I can describe this is that I’m going on automatic pilot. Have you ever emptied the dishwasher or ironed a shirt? Probably a million times. So you don’t think about it. You don’t have to focus on anything, you don’t really have to bring your mind to it. It’s the same thing when I want to do a reading. I just stop thinking about it. The body goes into a lower heart rate, an alpha state. I don’t hear a voice, it’s a thought. And I might also see a flash of images. The family or other loved ones of the person having a reading (my client) shows up as a group to communicate. Around the client is energy—it’s an out-of-focus arc or horseshoe around the person. This is a gathering of the various souls’ energies. Sometimes I might also see a “pillar” of energy, which may be a tall person or a grandfather. When the reading begins, the energy

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