Busted: Promise Harbor, Book 3

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Book: Busted: Promise Harbor, Book 3 by Sydney Somers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sydney Somers
    “You could try not sounding half-impressed by that.”
    She met Jackson’s scowl. “If Gavin wanted to talk to Allie, he probably should have gone about it another way.”
    That answer wasn’t good enough to appease a frustrated best man. “She was marrying Josh. Maybe he should have left her alone.”
    “Their situation is complicated.” And getting more complicated by the minute. Where the hell had they disappeared to?
    “Did they or did they not break up?” Jackson pressed.
    “Then he should have stayed away from her.”
    Annoyed that Jackson was blaming Gavin for everything when Allie clearly hadn’t put up a fight, she matched his glare. “You couldn’t possibly have your head shoved so far up your ass to think it’s that black and white?”
    “It is.”
    She blew out a breath. “If you hear from Josh, let me know, okay?” She walked away without having decided the best way to track her friend.
    “Where are you going?”
    “To see if any of Gavin’s family knew he was back in town.” She highly doubted it though, given his abrupt entrance, but she couldn’t sit and wait for him to call her back either.
    She left Jackson at the curb and headed back into the church. Navigating the crowd while avoiding the questions fired at her proved more of a headache than she anticipated. Mrs. Brewster was still at the front of the church, with Josh only a few feet away.
    Gavin and Allie weren’t with him.
    People around Hayley were talking about an announcement Mrs. Brewster had made about everyone heading over to the Promise Harbor Inn since the reception was already paid for.
    So the wedding was off.
    Guests who hadn’t already started trickling out of the church became more interested in a reception and stopped approaching Hayley to ask questions she didn’t have answers for. Squeezing between people crowded in the main aisle, Hayley tried to get to the front. Josh would know what happened to Allie and Gavin, though there was a good chance he might be as annoyed with her as Jackson was.
    Josh had disappeared out the side door by the time Hayley got fed up with the remaining people hanging around, gossiping about the whole thing, and ordered them out of her way. With at least a dozen people staring holes into her back, she went after Josh.
    A few seconds later, she spotted him sliding into his car out front.
    “He’s going to the reception.” Matt jogged over to her. “That was something to see in there. Gavin’s not on drugs, is he?”
    She rolled her eyes and dialed Gavin again. No answer.
    “You want to talk to Josh, I’m assuming?”
    Hayley nodded. “Mind giving me a ride?”
    “No problem.” Matt glanced around. “What happened to Jackson?” His eyes narrowed the moment his friend’s name left his lips. “I heard some interesting things before Gavin decided to act out a chick flick.”
    Hayley spotted Jackson chatting with a small group of women, but turned in the opposite direction to follow Matt to his car. “What kinds of things?”
    Her twin’s eyes took on a protective light she hadn’t seen since she’d kicked Eric out of their apartment. “Like how you and Jackson showed up looking like you’d just rolled out of bed.”

Chapter Four
    “More like a tree,” Hayley muttered, pushing junk off the passenger-side seat of Matt’s rust bucket of a sedan.
    “Never mind.”
    Hayley tried three more times before leaving another message for Gavin. She hadn’t a clue whether Allie was with him or if she’d told him to go fly a kite back in Alaska. She didn’t want to think how Gavin would take that kind of news after pulling a stunt like that at the church.
    Surprisingly, the Promise Harbor Inn was already swarming with cars by the time they arrived. She’d hoped most people would realize the show was over, but many had turned out. For the food or more drama?
    “Maybe I should try to find a spot around back.”
    “Probably already

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