B0161NEC9Y (F)

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Book: B0161NEC9Y (F) by K.F. Breene Read Free Book Online
Authors: K.F. Breene
Guard walking doggedly behind him. “I caught these idiots pooling money to go to the whorehouse.” Sanders threw a thumb behind him at the three boys with red faces. “A bunch of nitwits, the lot of them.”
    “Rohnan is getting rooms at the inn.” Cayan pointed back the way they’d come. “Rachie and Gracas, you go up and meet him. Leilius, head back to the docks and get more gold. I have a feeling I didn’t bring enough up. Have Xavier carry it. You lads will have less problems that way.”
    “I could do with a problem or two.” Sanders punched his palm. Just like Shanti, aggression rolled off him. He was spoiling for a fight.
    Shanti would invite him to her party later. That flea-bitten inn would probably be great sport.
    “Yes, sir,” Rachie said as he and Gracas walked on, their faces still bright red and pointed at the ground.
    Leilius turned around and started jogging, not daring to look Shanti or the Captain in the eye.
    Sanders cracked his neck before glancing off at the boys hurrying away. “I was curious at that age, too. Didn’t think they’d want that question answered with a ruddy-faced working woman, though.”
    “They’ll thank you for it when they get older,” Cayan said as Shanti led the way to the horses, not at all surprised when Sanders fell in with him. He knew horses better than anyone else in their group.
    “Are we sure we want to waste time staying in this town?” Sanders asked as they approached the stables. A row of stalls spread out in front of them, horses neighing and pawing at the ground. A loud thump sounded toward the end. Then another. It sounded like a horse was kicking its stall in a temper.
    “Everyone is tired. A bath, a hot meal, and a good bed is needed,” Shanti said as they stopped in front of a mangy brown animal lethargically chomping oats.
    “These are pitiful.” Sanders put his hands on his hips and spat. He meandered down the row of stalls, checking out the offerings.
    “Hello, hello!” A short, balding man walked up with a calculating eye and a relaxed demeanor.
    “Is this the best you have to offer?” Sanders asked.
    “Now, sir, these horses are some of the finest you’ve seen. Come from all over the land, they do. Fine horse stock here, yes sir. Mighty fine.”
    “Are you blind as well as a bad liar?” Sanders demanded. He gestured at the stall next to them. “That mare is hoping for a ride to the afterlife.”
    “Please, sir.” The man turned to Cayan, his cunning gaze starting to fray. “Tell me what you’re looking for and I will find it for you. Does the missus need…” The man looked at Shanti. He squinted a little. “A plow horse, maybe…”
    “Do I have shit on my face or something?” Shanti asked in exasperation. “It’s not like I’m wearing rags.”
    “Usually respectable women don’t look like the underside of a shoe,” Sanders said as he passed by, walking toward the other end of the line. “What do you have on the other side?”
    “Oh.” The man looked at Sanders with a grave expression. “They are very pricey on the other side. But we have some fine ones over here. See?” The man hastened to an older animal that looked more like a mule than a horse.
    “Show us the other side,” Cayan said in a loud, commanding voice.
    “Don’t like it when people think you’re poor, huh?” Shanti smirked at him.
    The man hesitated, something in Cayan’s voice drying up his protests. His shrewd gaze slid over Cayan’s frame, tall and broad, with a fighter’s grace. Calloused hands drew his eyes next, then the hilt of his sword. Finally he nodded. “Follow me.”
    “Are they made of gold or something?” Sanders growled as they followed the man to a second row of stables.
    As they got within sight of the horses, Sanders let out a low whistle. Compared to the first set of horses, these might as well have been made of gold. Large, shiny steeds neighed or bobbed their heads. Fierce-eyed and well groomed, they stood

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