Real Women Don't Wear Size 2

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Book: Real Women Don't Wear Size 2 by Kelley St. John Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kelley St. John
Tags: FIC027020
bingo and shuffleboard; that was more her father’s speed. Her mother and Granny Gert were much too alive to be stifled. But Clarise had to admit, right now, her grandmother seemed to be having a conversation that definitely didn’t involve the here and now.
    “Going too?” Clarise asked.
    “On the trip. Goodness child, it’s been a long time since I’ve had a romp in the hay, but I sure enough remember what I looked like after. Though, as much as my dear Henry and I liked variety, we never had a good time in his office. I honestly don’t believe we could’ve pulled it off. Guess you’re not as noisy as I was.” She giggled girlishly. “Lordy, I bet that’s more than you wanted to know.”
    Clarise blinked. “You think I did
? Today? At the office? With Ethan?”
    “Oh, honey, it’s okay if you don’t want to talk about it.” She patted Clarise’s knee, then ended with a gentle squeeze that made Clarise jump. “I totally understand, and I admire your ability to keep it all in. Me, I always had to tell somebody. Made it a little more fun, in my opinion. That guess-what-we-did kind of thing. I talked to your great-aunt Sybil, God rest her soul. She was determined she and your great-uncle Clyde would one-up the two of us eventually, but I swear, your grandpa Henry and I weren’t gonna be outdone by anyone. I mentioned we liked variety, didn’t I?”
    Clarise wasn’t sure she needed to hear any more about her grandparents’ variety. “I worked today. Nothing else. I promise.” Not that she would have declined a bit of variety, as Granny called it, with Ethan. Heck, the way she got worked up over merely talking to him, she could only imagine what sex would do, but even though she crawled on top of his luscious body nightly in her dreams, the real deal hadn’t happened. Yet. At Gasparilla, however, if dreams came true . . .
    Her grandmother tilted her head and considered her words. “Seriously? You haven’t been, you know, getting cozy with your boss today?”
    “Not my boss, or anyone else. I believe I’d remember if I had. Plus, Ethan wasn’t at work today; he’s been out of town working on a big deal to purchase additional stores.”
    “Well then, child, you sure didn’t take your normal considerations with your appearance this morning, did you? Guess you were excited about the trip, hmm?”
    “I spent the afternoon trying on new clothes at the Body Boutique, before wrapping up with a lingerie binge in Trussville after my class was canceled. I guess I dressed rather quickly. I look rough?” she questioned.
    Granny tilted her head, evidently trying to decide what to say, then she shrugged, and blurted, “You look like you’ve had great sex.”
    Clarise laughed. “Well, I haven’t.”
    “It’ll happen, child,” Granny consoled.
    “I hope you’re right,” Clarise said, then silently added,
“and I hope it happens with Ethan.”
    Granny Gert’s giggle sounded almost teenish. “Okay,” she said, “enough sex talk, since neither of us has had any lately. Tell me about your afternoon. You said you tried your new things on at the store. That’s not your nature, so you might as well tell me what happened. And, by the way, it’s about time you opened up and saw everything for what it’s worth.”
    “What it’s worth?”
    “Your figure. You really do have one that deserves flaunting, sweetie.”
    “Actually, the two girls who helped me out at Body Boutique probably picked some things you’ll like.”
    “Really? Well, by all means, let’s have a look, and don’t you dare hold out on me with the lingerie items. It’s been a while since I’ve bought anything new, and I’d love to see what’s considered
” She clapped her hands together. “You have time to model?”
    Clarise laughed. “I don’t think so. I haven’t finished packing.” And she still needed to practice stripping. “How about I lay them out in the bedroom for your opinion?”
    “Eh,” she said,

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