Edge of Moonlight

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Book: Edge of Moonlight by Stephanie Julian Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stephanie Julian
Tags: Fiction, Erótica, Romance, Paranormal
to Evie…
    “Kaine had nothing to do with this.” Amity’s voice cut between them like a knife and John glanced at the other woman to see Amity and Kaine staring at each other, Amity’s expression set in determined lines. “I know you think you did. I know you think you were the trigger for Evie’s breakdown, but it wasn’t you. At least, not you specifically. From what you told me, Kaine, you startled her when she came home last night. You didn’t mean to. But she saw you as a threat and after her kidnapping, you can’t blame her for that.
    “But it was in no way your fault. It could have happened to her at work the next day or at the mall if she’d gone shopping and someone happened to brush against her.
    Anything could have triggered her. This isn’t your fault.” Kaine didn’t say anything, but he knew she didn’t believe a word the other woman had said.
    “So,” John sighed, “if it wasn’t Kaine’s fault, then how did she know what was happening to Evie? How did she know to ask you to come here?” Kaine took a deep breath before answering but held his gaze. “Because I recognized what was happening and I sent for Amity’s help.”
    A tiny fragment of memory flashed in John’s brain then, something about a kid in a knit cap in his living room. No, one fucked up mess at a time.
    “And you believe in all this bullshit?”
    He’d deliberately made his question snide, wanted her to show a little spark. She looked like she’d been kicked in the gut and he hated thinking it was because of him.
    He couldn’t really believe Kaine had done anything to harm his sister. He usually had a good handle on people and Kaine hadn’t thrown up any red flags in the time they’d spent together. All he’d felt had been lust.
    And maybe that should have been a warning.
    Kaine’s chin tilted up the slightest bit and her mouth firmed. “Yes, I do. I know magic is real.”
    Her voice, so matter-of-fact, made his eyes narrow. She absolutely believed what she was saying.
    Christ Almighty, what the hell was he supposed to do?
    “Then show me.”
    He needed to see. He wasn’t a man who took things on faith. He needed proof.
    Physical, tangible proof.
    Amity’s voice held a warning. And a note of sympathy. As if Kaine was about to do something painful as she pushed away from the wall and walked to within a foot of him.
    Damn it, he didn’t want her to—
    Kaine held out her right hand, snapped her fingers and a bright orange flame flared into being just above her index finger and thumb. Like a candle, the teardrop of fire burned bright.
    “Go ahead, touch it,” she said. “It’s very real.”
    He was already extending his hand to pass it over the flame and felt the heat of it lick at his palm.
    Parlor trick. Easy enough to do, his brain insisted.
    Kaine’s expression was dead serious. But the look in her eyes… She was terrified of what he would think.
    Not the look of a woman who was trying to con him.
    And when she snapped her fingers and every one of the many candles Evie had placed around the room burst into flame, he took a deep breath. Then another.
    “So, my sister has magical powers she can’t control. Fine. How do we get rid of them?”

    Kaine’s eyes widened in shock and the flames she’d conjured sputtered and died.
    Shoving her hand in her pocket, she backed away, intending to retreat to the wall.
    She needed the support, needed to feel something solid at her back.
    She couldn’t believe he’d accepted her demonstration so easily. She’d expected him to scoff, to rant, to deny. She’d expected disbelief, at the very least.
    Instead, he sat there, looking at her as if she had more answers for him.
    Luckily, Amity spoke up. “Now we take her to see a group of women who should be able to help her. It’s not far. But I have to warn you. There may be nothing they can do for Evie except teach her how to control her powers.” John’s gaze narrowed on Amity’s as the goddess

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