The Siege

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Book: The Siege by Troy Denning Read Free Book Online
Authors: Troy Denning
murk carrying his statue of Escanor’s battle against the phaerimm.
    Already completed, the piece was Aris’s finest yet, so flowing it seemed in danger of writhing from the giant’s hands. The prince’s figure was noble and majestic, one hand still stretched toward the phaerimm he had just killed as he twisted around to face his new attacker. The creature itself was connected to him by the tail piercing his abdomen, and also by two hands wrapped around his throat, an artistic license taken to impart the impression that the beast was hovering beside him unsupported.
    “Aris, it’s magnificent!” Vala said, joining Galaeron on the balcony as the stone giant stepped into the courtyard. “You did that in one night?”
    “I could not have finished without Malik,” Aris said. The statue was at balcony level, and the giant was speaking down from above. He half-turned toward the empty gate. “He did most of the polishing.”
    “And what has this favor cost you?” demanded Ruha, stepping out of the colonnade to meet them. “An arm, or a soul?”
    “That is no business of yours, shrew,” Malik said. “You cannot be expected to understand what one friend does for another, since you have none of your own.” He craned his neck up toward the balcony. “You would do well to make yourselves decent. The prince is on his way here.”
    “The prince?” Galaeron asked. “Which one?”
    “Escanor, of course,” Malik said. “If you are wise, you will benefit by my experience and do nothing to encourage him to return. There is no thief worse than a royal.”
    Galaeron glanced at Vala, who merely shrugged and turned to don her armor—by Vaasan standards, a far superior mode of dress to any of the dusky gowns Hadrhune’s servants had delivered. Galaeron opted for his scout’s cloak, as even the coarsest Evereskan cloth was considered extravagant by non-elves.
    By the time they had changed and joined the others in the courtyard, Escanor’s entourage was pouring through the gate. Tall even by Shadovar standards, the prince was visible in the middle of the group, his coppery eyes glaring out over the heads of his escorts. Galaeron and the others dropped to a knee and waited while the guards took their stations around the perimeter of the courtyard.
    Escanor went directly to Aris’s statue and circled it slowly, running his fingers over its smooth stone. When
    he came to where the tail barb punctured his stomach, he winced visibly and turned away, craning his neck to address the kneeling giant.
    “Very lifelike,” he said. Though Escanor had spent three days in bed recovering from the removal of the phaerimm egg, he showed no sign of weakness. “I could swear it’s moving.”
    “Thank you,” Aris said. “That means much, coming from you.”
    “In truth, I am so fond of it I would like it for my villa,” Escanor said. He motioned an unarmored servant forward. “Mees will pay whatever you think fair.”
    “Pay?” Aris seemed to puzzle over this for a moment, then said, “Unfortunately, I have already promised this piece to Hadrhune.”
    A collective gasp went up from the entourage, then Escanor snapped, “To Hadrhune?”
    “For the Most High, Esteemed Prince,” Malik said quickly. “Though I am sure Aris can make another in no time at all, especially considering that price is of little concern.”
    “Another?” Aris echoed. “Why should there be two?”
    “There are many good reasons,” Malik said, daring to rise and start toward Escanor’s entourage without permission. “I’ll tell them all to you later, but first let me speak with the prince’s steward.”
    Escanor motioned his guards to stand down and glared at the little man as he crossed the courtyard. When Malik had nearly reached the steward, the prince said, “Malik, would you really want to affront the Most High by copying a palace treasure?”
    Malik’s face went pale. He began to stammer an apology, but Escanor waved him silent and

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