
Free MADversary by Jade C. Jamison Page A

Book: MADversary by Jade C. Jamison Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jade C. Jamison
    She grinned.  How could she turn that down?  “ Really ?”
    “Yep.   Follow me.”  He stood and led her by the hand to the large bedroom right off the living room area.  Was he really going to give her a backrub or did he have other intentions?  Megan thought she’d be okay with either choice.

    Chapter Eleven
    WHEN THEY GOT to the bedroom, Megan felt her nerves return just a little.  The room was monstrous.  It was bigger than any apartment bedroom she’d ever liv ed in .  She didn’t want to know how much Tyler had had to drop on this place, and she was upset that here she was getting all silly again.
    But Tyler said, “Go ahead and lie down on your stomach and get cozy.”
    Megan smiled and said, “Okay.”  He was still without his shirt and she’d managed to not spend the last hour and a half staring at his pecs .  But as she turned her head toward the bed, she allowed herself a little peek.  Then s he moved toward the queen bed with the fluffy brown and multi-colored spread.  She lay down and scrunched a pillow under her head, turning it to the side so that her left cheek rested on the pillow .
    “Comfortable?” Tyler asked.  Megan looked up at him, smiling, and nodded.  He’d taken his shoes and socks off and looked pretty comfortable himself.  “I’m gonna straddle you at your lower back.  If it hurts or something, tell me, okay?”
    She was already relaxing again in the softness of the bed.  “ Mmmm …okay.”
    “Do you wanna take your shirt off again?  It’d be easier to…”
    “Oh…yeah , I guess I should .”  She wiggled her hands out from under the pillow to her neck and unbuttoned the shirt at the top.  She started to struggle to take it off, but she felt Tyler’s fingers grab it at the collar and the blouse slid off her arms and back, tickling a little on its journey.   She thought she was crazy, because she felt like she could sense his confidence through his fingers.  And she did relax again.  His intentions might have been sexual (as were hers), but he was being sweet and sensitive, and she believed he wouldn’t force himself if she didn’t want him too.  But, God , she couldn’t keep getting nervous all night long, could she?
    Then his warm, strong hands touched her back .   His fingers wrapped around the top of her shoulders and squeezed.  “ Mmmm … . ”  She couldn’t help almost purring, his touch felt so good.
    “You like that?”
    “ Mmm -hmm.”   She felt a smile spread across her face.   He gathered her hair together and then rested it up on the pillow, near the crown of her head.   He kneaded her flesh and muscle under his strong fingers, and she felt as though she were melting into the bed.   He began massaging her back along her shoulder blades and spine, and Megan felt herself slip a notch further into relaxation .  Her jaw slackened and it felt like her head and arms had grown heavier.   Feeling his legs wrapped around her hips and the sides of her breasts exposed should have made her feel vulnerable and maybe should have made her more aware of her buried desire, but the way his hands worked her back instead just helped her ease into a peaceful state.
    Tyler rubbed her back for so long that Megan realized she had started to drift off to sleep.  She probably would have stayed asleep had Tyler not said, “How can you carry this much tension all the time?”
    She didn’t open her eyes but said, “What?”
    She was sure he didn’t know she’d fallen asleep when he said, “You have a lot of knots in your back and you’re pretty stiff .  Do you get regular massages?”
    On her salary?   That was a laugh.  But she answered, “No.”
    “You should think about it.  I’m not trained to do this, and even I can tell you need it.”
    Megan muttered, “You might not be trained for it, but you’re good at it.”   Megan thought of how Lisa would scream when she heard Megan had Tyler, a rich, famous

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