The Thief's Gamble (Einarinn 1)

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Book: The Thief's Gamble (Einarinn 1) by Juliet E. McKenna Read Free Book Online
Authors: Juliet E. McKenna
Tags: Fantasy
that's entirely fair.' Geris looked more than a little put out.
    'I thought the play was very fine,' I assured him. 'I really admired the way the princess stood up to them all and refused to let them rule her life, no matter what.'
    Geris looked mollified so I didn't elaborate; I may have admired the stubborn Suleta as a bloody-minded girl myself, but nowadays I'd be more of my mother's opinion, unlikely though that sounds.
    'Well!' I shook my head in wonder. 'So how do you come to be jaunting round with that peculiar pair?' I waved a hand at the backs of Darni and Shiv.
    Geris relaxed a little. 'My mentor at the University is an expert on Tormalin Empire history, especially Nemith the Seafarer and Nemith the Reckless. Something — that is, when Planir needed someone to help with some — when he wanted to know more about that period, he contacted my master. He recommended me to Darni and Shiv.'
    I hoped no one was trusting Geris with anything vital. With all his hesitations, he couldn't have been more obvious with 'I've got a secret' chalked on his back.
    'Didn't you want to go into the Looking Glass?' I would have sold all my aunts and cousins for a chance like that. Well, to be honest, I would have sold my aunts and cousins for a lot less, but I still could not understand how Geris could have walked away from something so exciting.
    'Not really. I could never be a player.'
    Well, that was true enough.
    'I got interested in history when Father was writing Vamyre the Bold . I did some writing for the stage but it wasn't very good. I liked the studying best, trying to make sense of the old sages, shrine records, chronicles from the Empire, that kind of thing. Did you know the Tormalins reckoned a generation was twenty-five years, but the Solurans say it's thirty-three; that's why tying up their histories is so difficult.'
    'And your father doesn't mind?'
    'Father always said that we could choose our own path; he'd had to run away from home to be able to do what he wanted and he says he vowed not to be so hard on his own children. Most of the time he manages. Anyway, I've two brothers and a sister who act, a brother who writes really well and a sister who keeps things organised, so I don't think they miss me.'
    He smiled, serene, content with his lot. I wondered what a strife-free family was like.
    'This must sound stupid but I never knew Judal had a family; I don't think anyone ever thinks about Judal's life off-stage.'
    'He'd be delighted to hear that.' Geris urged the horses to a trot as Shiv and Darni vanished into a wooded stretch of road. 'He never wants his own repute to interfere with our lives. My mother and my younger brother and sisters can walk around town without being- recognised, and that suits her just fine.'
    How many children did that make? 'She must be quite a woman.'
    'She is,' Geris said proudly.
    I smiled; I doubted he meant it in the way I did.
    We passed a waystone and I frowned as I realised we were on the Eyhorne road.
    'Where are we headed? I'd have thought you'd have been heading for Col , if you're dealing in antiquities.'
    Geris' smile faded and he looked at Darni's stiff back uncertainly. I persisted.
    'You must have seen an Almanac, surely? They're putting an extra day into the Equinox, you know, to keep the Calendar right. It's going to be the biggest fair in years. You could find all sorts of dealers there.'
    'Of course, they use the Tormalin Calendar there, don't they?' Geris frowned. 'Didn't they add a day at the same time as the Solurans, three years ago?'
    I shrugged; I did not want Geris distracted by errors in the various methods of measuring a year; keeping track of who uses which system and making sure you're working from the right Almanac is enough of a pain as it is.
    'So where are we headed?'
    'Oh, Drede,' Geris said absently. 'Are the Tormalins adding any days at Solstice, do you know?'
    'What's in Drede?' This made no sense. Drede is the sort of place that only exists because

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