Ride With Me: A Biker Erotic Romance

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Book: Ride With Me: A Biker Erotic Romance by Emily Stone Read Free Book Online
Authors: Emily Stone
Tags: Romance, Literature & Fiction, Contemporary
one of the storage units. They could be in and out quick but the chances of getting caught and starting a war between the two clubs was high. Until they knew what was going on, Rex wasn’t keen on the idea of a break-in. His Dad had always been a hot head, ready to go at a moment’s notice with a half-assed scheme. It’s what had gotten him popped by the Feds. It’s really easy to set someone up when they are shooting off at the mouth all the time.
    Rex played his cards close to his chest. Growing up with so many people with little to no impulse control had taught him a thing or two. One of the most important was keeping your thoughts to yourself. Not drinking to excess and running off at the mouth was smart.
    Yesterday his Dad had come to him and said the break-in idea was tabled for the time being. He had a new plan he wanted to talk to him about. When Manny Pershing came up with a plan it was hell trying to talk him out of it.
    Xander Thorn was a smart man. Smarter than the men who worked for him. Smarter than the cops and smarter than the men he was working for. He had his life under control. Things ran smoothly and he liked it that way.
    The past ten years had been a real boon for Xander. Getting Manny tossed in the federal penitentiary was the best idea he’d had in a long time. Well, that and getting to take over the clubs he needed by exploiting an old agreement made between them when their kids were little.
    Admittedly, he’d had a few sleepless nights over the idea of using his baby girl as a tool to gain more power but in the end it had worked out. Worked out so well, he’d done it two more times.
    Without access to the routes surrounding those clubs his plan would have never worked. Manny had unwittingly let his one weakness be exploited for Xander’s gain. It was the only time he was glad that his little girl and Manny’s kid had been friends in school.
    Now that Ellie was grown up and able to take care of herself, their little agreement would be coming to an end. Not that he thought Manny would do anything to his daughter. No, Manny was too nice. Too bad Xander wasn’t nearly as nice.
    Rex sat at one of the scarred up tables in the club with his Dad, half listening to him while texting a possible hook up for the night. He hadn’t slept well last night and his head was already pounding.
    Whatever plan his Dad had come up with hadn’t panned out so he was back to the break-in scheme. He’d spent the better part of the morning arguing with him and his Dad’s fuse was getting shorter and shorter by the second.
    When he finally had enough, Rex got up and walked away before the argument got any worse. His Dad would never get physical with him but he could find other ways to cut him to the bone. Rather than wait around for that to happen, he hopped on his bike and headed into town.
    For a while he just rode, letting the stress go, letting the frustration go. When his chest stopped feeling tight and his mind was calmer, he went to find a place with good beer and better burgers. The place he picked had outside tables and his favorite brew. He settled in to eat his meal and people watch.
    The woman he’d been texting earlier texted him back, wanting to meet up at a local bar later. He had no plans to go back and argue with his Dad so the arrangement was fine with him. She’d be happy to give him a warm place to sleep for the night, he was sure.
    The bar was loud, hot and packed to the eaves. A haze of smoke that was doubtful to be from cigarettes hung over the dance floor. They’d barely been there an hour and already Ellie was ready to go home. She had chapters due and should have been working instead of drinking. If it wasn’t so crowded she’d be having more fun.
    They’d come to dance but so far, they hadn’t even had a chance to get near the dance floor. Honestly, turning twenty-one and becoming legal hadn’t been

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