Back Road Chances (Roughneck #2)

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Book: Back Road Chances (Roughneck #2) by Nicole Hart Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nicole Hart
    “When what started?” Sam asked quietly.
    “That’s when I realized I loved you. I know we were just kids, and I did a lot of stupid shit back then. But it’s always been you, Sam. I’ve always wanted you. And maybe back then it started as a high school crush and I just wanted to tap that ass,” I said, and couldn’t help but smile as I smacked her ass lightly. “But then it was more.”
    Sam didn’t respond. She just stared at me with those big blue eyes. I don’t think she had even blinked. I couldn’t read her, not this time. But I kept talking anyway.
    “I love you, Sam. And I know you’re scared. I don’t know if you’re scared of getting hurt or what it is. But I promise you darlin, I won’t hurt you. I love you. I’ve always loved you and I’ll never stop. Ever,” I said, as I put my forehead against hers and then leaned in and kissed her lips gently, waiting.
    I had just told this woman that I loved her four times in practically the same breath. She was the only woman I had ever said that to. Because she was it for me. She was the only one. And she still hadn’t said a word. Not a single word. Maybe I was the one about to run. That’s some scary shit, telling the woman you’ve been in love with since you were a kid how you feel. And then all you hear is the fucking crickets. Damn. I felt like a knife was just stabbed in my chest. And even though I kind of felt like an idiot now, I didn’t regret it. I should have prepared myself for the silence. But I didn’t.
    “Well damn,” I said, as I lay on my back and propped my hands behind my head.
    Sam still hadn’t said a word or even moved. I cut my eyes over in her direction. She was still staring blankly. Maybe I was getting a little pissed now. The least she could do was give me a thank you or a nod, something.
    “I love you, Sam.” Five. “But you make me fucking crazy sometimes, you know that?” I said a little harsher than I intended. But it was true. I felt like I couldn’t breathe, I needed air. So I sat up and started to get off the bed. Sam grabbed me by the arm and didn’t let go.
    “Wait,” she said quietly.
    I exhaled the breath that felt like it had been stuck in my chest. And I waited.  Sam moved her hand and then I felt the bed shift as she moved closer. I was sitting on the edge of the bed when Sam came around and sat on my lap. She was still naked. Her hair was a mess and she didn’t have a bit of make up on. She took my fucking breath away.
    “You love me?” she said quietly, as she ran her nails through my hair.
    “Always,” I said, as I stared into her eyes. I didn’t know what else to say.
    “Since we were kids?” she asked.
    “Yeah,” I said quietly. She wrapped her arms around my neck and put her mouth up to my ear.
    “I love you, too,” she whispered. It was so quiet. So full of emotion, like it took everything in her to say those four words.
    “Fucking finally,” I said, and kissed her.

Chapter 9
    He loves me. Me. He’s loved me since high school. That was hard to wrap my head around. I never had a clue. Looks like I wasn’t the only one with a good poker face. I felt a sense of peace wash over me. He loved me. Maybe I could quit worrying so fucking much about him leaving me. He promised. And I believed him. Besides, the only other two people in my life that ever told me they loved me were still around. My dad and Lainey. I wasn’t even sure the bitch ever told me. I didn’t have any memory of it if she did. I was never very affectionate with my extended family, so the word love never really came up. I’m sure they loved me, because I loved them, we just never said it.  And I sure wasn’t expecting Moon to say it. It shocked me when he said it. Literally, I think I went into shock for a minute. I couldn’t speak. I couldn’t move. And leaving the roses for me every day, until there were seventeen. Who knew that mother fucker had a romantic side? I did, I think.

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