Island Pleasures
can’t.” His boss gifted him with the dark, predatory stare that made men cower and women sigh.
    Undaunted, he met the unwavering gaze straight on. He tapped his knee, resigned to his employer’s request. “What’s so important you need me to work overtime?”
    “Jackson has called me away to Atlantic City to check on the progress of the new casino there. He’s overwhelmed in Vegas. I need you to be in charge here while I’m gone.”
    He cleared his throat and tugged on his suddenly constricting tie. “There has to be someone else with more experience and years of service—”
    “Your work speaks for itself. I’m very pleased with the way you’ve helped me run the resort. I trust you to make sure things go off without a hitch.”
    “As long as the booze is flowing and people get laid, why would there be any problem?”
    Part of him was excited for the opportunity to show his worth, but the responsibility could also lead to even more stress and headaches. I’ll suck it up and take time off later this month .
    “It’s come to my attention we have an imposter in our midst who might cause trouble.”
    “Someone among the staff?” Impossible. Each Castillo employee was thoroughly investigated and endured a rigorous interview process before he or she was hired. If there was an issue with one of them, he would have been made aware.
    “Not among my staff.” Jagger’s face revealed nothing.
    “You’ve lost me,” he said, running a hand through his hair.
    “You know I allow the 1Night Stand service to use the hotel for dates. A tabloid writer has infiltrated the company and wants to reveal the true identity of Madame Evangeline. Chit-Chat Weekly has been up my ass trying to get an interview with the sole purpose of finding out who she is. They’ve perpetuated rumors in their magazine I’m the one in charge and it’s actually an escort service.” Jagger tapped a pen on his desk, the only visible sign of his indignation.
    “Chit-Chat has been after your family for years. I thought everything had been taken care of after all those testimonials from 1Night Stand clients. They made it clear nothing illegal was going on.” And, of course, his boss wouldn’t be involved in something so unethical.
    “My spies have told me otherwise. A writer has applied for a 1Night Stand date under an alias and traveled here undercover with the purpose to bring me down.” Jagger frowned. “This woman, going by Cassidy Kellogg, made one big error. She used her own credit card, under her real name, to pay for the vacation.”
    “She doesn’t sound too bright.” Tension settled into his shoulders. What are the odds …? “I knew a Cassidy in college.”
    “She probably thought I wouldn’t notice. But when a tabloid writer’s name comes up, particularly from a magazine that’s been a nuisance lately, we notice everything.” Jagger moved behind his desk and produced a folder.
    “I’m not following,” he said, confused.
    Jagger pushed the file across the desk. “The real Cassidy’s married name is Kellogg and she owns an accounting firm. Her sister, whose credit card paid for the trip, is a columnist for Chit-Chat magazine. Both graduated from Las Vegas University the same year you did.”
    Quinn shot up in his chair as it all came together. “What’s the columnist’s name?” Memories of his senior year came crashing over him as thoughts of her , the one woman he’d tried his best to forget, bombarded his mind.
    “Carly Kimball,” Jagger said. “She’s pretending to be her sister, to hide where she works. I want you to tail her and go so far as to be her companion for the weekend.”
    He clenched his fist to stop it from shaking. Jagger couldn’t know how close he and Carly once were. She was the one who got away, or rather hightailed it out of his room the morning after he lost his virginity to her. He had never heard from her again. Now his past was returning to haunt him big time.
    “You’ve grown

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