Mighty Men with Weapons

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Book: Mighty Men with Weapons by Addison Avery Read Free Book Online
Authors: Addison Avery
display. A wicked smile, a devilish expression Donovan realized he’d never tire of seeing, washed over Nate’s chiseled cheeks.
    Suited up and ready to play, Nate towered over him and pushed Donovan’s legs apart. Keeping one hand against the floor next to his head, he stroked Donovan’s penis. Up and down, leisurely, he maneuvered his closed fist around his cock until Donovan wanted to come, needed to get off worse than he craved his next breath of air.
    “Let me,” Donovan said gruffly. “Let me take you.”

    * * * *

    Nate reared back and looked at him. Perhaps he saw him for the very first time, as a lover of genuine interest. Donovan’s good looks made him stand out in a crowd, but of equal interest, something hard to ignore, was his intelligence. The man intrigued him, and the buried mysteries wouldn’t easily unfold.
    Colby would never forgive him. In all their time together, Colby never fucked him. Nate had a thing about taking dick up the ass. Sure, he was always curious. Since he had some reservations about Donovan and whether or not he intended to play them, he might give him what he wanted—for the sake of the job, of course.
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    Addison Avery
    Donovan wanted a piece of his ass and he wanted it bad. Maybe if Nate let him have what he desired, gave him his way, then he’d seal the deal and make a committed partner out of him.
    There was only one way to find out.

    * * * *

    Donovan kissed him with passion, and he regretted the kiss almost instantly. Nate would see his quick advantage. Was Nate using him?
    No doubt. Sure, he was. Sex would make him an easier kill regardless of the lust running wild between them.
    Nate took his hand and led him through a short hallway. He nudged the door open with his foot.
    Donovan sat down, and Nate dropped to the floor. Surprised, Donovan gasped when Nate took his cock in between his hands and gave him quite possibly the most erotic hand job of his lifetime.
    Donovan leaned on the bed, arching his back and stretching his neck in order to watch. Nate dropped his lips and covered Donovan's swollen head, licking the tip, the spongy texture of his tongue drawing out the pre-cum in a sticky wash of excitement.
    “Let me,” Donovan pleaded, leaning his head back and clutching the condom Nate more or less gave him as a cookie, a sweet temptation of things within his reach. “God, please, Nate. Let me.”
    Nate stood then, using his knees to part Donovan's legs and stand between them. Donovan sat up, and Nate turned around.
    Donovan swallowed hard when realization struck. Of course he would let him. Donovan quickly rolled the condom over his heavily veined erection and pulled Nate toward him. His chest pressed to Nate’s back allowing body-to-body access, and he nipped at his flesh.
    The excitement continued building and building.
    Nate eased all the way down over Donovan’s prick. He did the guiding. He took the easy lead.
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    Mighty Men With Weapons
    Donovan sank into his ass and sighed. “Ah, yeah, buddy. That’s what I’m talking about.”
    Nate didn’t move. He seemed lifeless at the first point of entry.
    Then Donovan started to thrust. Soon he hammered in between the firm, tight globes of one very masculine, fresh, virgin ass.

    * * * *

    Nate didn’t mind taking cock like he once feared. In fact, he enjoyed the connection. His bottom felt tight, and with every layer of skin Donovan pressed beyond, Nate felt more and more stimulated.
    His nerve endings on fire, he blazed hot from the inside out and needed to come worse than he ever remembered.
    “Hurry,” he urged. Hell, yeah, he wanted him to hurry. Once he was done, he planned to fuck Donovan’s lights out.
    Donovan shifted, rolling over him. Nate’s face soon pressed into a pillow Donovan had

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