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Book: ModelLove by S.J. Frost Read Free Book Online
Authors: S.J. Frost
are.” He stopped, tightening his hold on Temaru’s hand to make him halt as
well. “But they were so busy drooling over you, they didn’t give me a chance to
kiss you.”
    Temaru closed the distance between them, angling his head to
kiss him. “But now we’ll have the whole night to do that as much as we want.”
    A pleased groan rumbled in Ian’s throat as their lips met.
He wrapped his arms around him, reveling in the firmness and strength of
Temaru’s body against his own. It amazed him how good he felt when he was with
Temaru. The handful of hours they’d spent together seemed so much longer.
    As the kiss ended, Temaru brushed Ian’s cheek with his
fingertips. “I’ve wanted more of those since you left this afternoon.”
    “Same here. I’ve been thinking about you all day.”
    “I’m glad for that. It took every bit of willpower I had to
stay focused on my customers today. Even then, my mind kept slipping to you.”
Temaru glanced up the beach. “Where do you want to go for dinner? There are a
couple of restaurants I had in mind or we could go back to my place and I could
cook something.”
    Ian touched one fingertip to Temaru’s chest where the shirt
was open and caressed down until his progress was stopped by the first fastened
button. “I like the idea of going to your place. You don’t even have to cook
for me.”
    “But I want to. Of course, after I do, you may never want me
to cook again.”
    Ian lifted his other hand to Temaru’s shirt, undoing the
button. “I’m easy when it comes to food. Now that I let myself eat without
feeling guilty about it or running to the gym afterward. I’ll like anything you
    “Then my place it is.” Temaru leaned forward, giving him a
light kiss. Ian opened another button on his shirt. He glanced down at it, then
back up to Ian with a smirk. “Unless you plan on stripping me here in the
    “My plan was actually to reduce stripping time once we’re
alone but I’m good with stripping you here too.”
    Temaru wrapped his arm around Ian’s shoulders and steered
him up the quiet street. “Yes, but my place isn’t far from here and if we strip
there, we can do it in a soft bed rather than the hard pavement.”
    Ian slipped his arm around Temaru’s waist. “Good point. I
really don’t want to get road burn on my knees. Or back, depending on how you want
    Temaru pressed into Ian’s side. “Both sound good to me.”
    Ian grinned at him. “Me too.”
    Temaru guided him away from the street down to a boardwalk.
The buildings grew sparse, the forest filling in space between homes.
    “How was the rest of your day?” Ian asked. “Did you go out a
lot this afternoon?”
    “Only one more time after the couple we met at the dock. I
had to take a group of young women snorkeling and they added an extra hour onto
the time we agreed on while we were out.” Temaru made a displeased sound in his
throat. “They were loud, obnoxious and spoke like spoiled brats, alternating
between ordering me around and trying to flirt with me.”
    “Sounds like a group of rich girls playing on their mommy
and daddy’s credit cards.”
    “That was my impression.”
    “What’d you do when they were trying to flirt with you?”
    Temaru glanced at him, a teasing shine in his eyes. “So of
the two things, you’re more concerned about them hitting on me than ordering me
    “I just assumed you wouldn’t take any of their crap with the
ordering around.”
    “I was even less inclined to take what they were offering
when flirting with me.”
    Ian kissed Temaru on the cheek. “Good point. So…what’d you
say to them?”
    “I didn’t say anything at first. I ignored them. When they
pressed the issue with inviting me for drinks tonight, I told them I had a date
with a very sexy model. They got agitated at that, saying they were better than
some ‘slutty model’ and that I should ditch her for them. To which I said, ‘my
date is not

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