Over the Fence

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Book: Over the Fence by Elke Becker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elke Becker
find my own place in life first somehow.” Eva glanced at the clock. “OK, it’s time.” As she started to put Rafael back in his high chair, he burped and a yellow-green liquid spewed onto her hair and slowly ran down onto the collar of her blouse. “Shit!”
    “What happened?” Kati spun around. “Oh, what a shame. Come here, we’ll clean you up.” Kati pulled out a washcloth, put some dish soap on it, and wiped the slime out of her hair. Then she dabbed the blouse. “That’s not coming out right now. But if you cover the stain with your hair, they won’t notice it.”
    Eva stared at the clock. “That will have to do, I guess. We don’t have time to find something else to wear.” Eva trudged into Sophie’s room, brushed her hair over the stain, trying to put the grossness of it out of her mind, and got into position in front of her open Mac.
    “Wow, excellent. You’re right on time, Eva. How are your parents?” Matthew asked. She was glad the video camera captured the entire conference room, but its position made her feel as though she were sitting on her boss’s lap, which made her even more nervous.
    “They’re doing well, under the circumstances.” Eva straightened her spine as she sat on Sophie’s bed. “Should we start?”
    The same team from the previous meeting was in the conference room. Adam took the floor. “We have a potential new client, Bailey’s Chocolate, who is interested in a large-scale marketing campaign for its confectionery products. They’re thinking big, a total redesign with new, unconventional packaging. Mr. Bailey would like advice about the best way to proceed. He’s mainly interested in your input, Eva, per our recommendations. But we are not the only agency he’s mentioned, and he expects the preliminary layouts in a week. Can we count on you?”
    “Of course. I have everything I need at my parents’ house. I can definitely work there.” Eva nodded for emphasis, even though Internet access had still not been installed, and she had no idea whether it would be ready on Monday. A contract like this would be a godsend. She loved candy, and a product campaign like this would be much more exciting than bringing a new detergent on the market. She pushed her hair back.
    “Good. Then we’ll send you all the info via e-mail and the link to the folder where you can find everything else. If you have any questions, call Adam.” Matthew wrinkled his forehead as he looked at her. “And you’re certain you’ll be able to focus on the job?”
    “Of course,” Eva assured him again.
    Adam Chapell stared into the camera. In the background, his assistant, Sally, tapped lightly on her upper torso and touched her hair. Though Eva went cold, she casually stroked her long hair forward over her shoulders. Sally nodded and gave her a thumb’s-up.
    After a brief pause, Adam explained the client’s wishes in detail and reassured Eva that he would provide her with all the necessary files.
    “And if you’re not able to reach Adam,” Sally added, “then call me. I’m happy to help you along in any way I can.”
    “Thank you, Sally. I’ll call you.” Eva wasn’t just thanking her for her support with the project.
    “OK, then it’s settled.” Her boss looked her directly in the eyes. “I want to see the designs every other day no matter how rough they are. Was that it for today?” he asked.
    When everyone nodded, he stood and left the conference room. Adam and the rest of the team followed him out until only Sally remained.
    “Are you going to be able to do this?” Sally asked.
    Eva nodded. “I can even work wearing a blouse with baby spit-up on it. No problem.”
    Sally laughed and turned off the video.
    Eva closed her Mac and lay back onto the bed. The videoconference was far from professional. That was why Matthew wanted to check her designs every other day. She closed her eyes and sighed. It would cost her dearly to be demoted to her previous level. The best thing

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