Freedom's Land

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Book: Freedom's Land by Anna Jacobs Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anna Jacobs
that the other two were lost for words. ‘This can’t be the right place, surely?’ he said to the clerk. ‘There’s nowhere for them to live.’
    ‘There’ve been so many settlers we’re a bit behind on the building.’
    ‘A bit behind!’ Gil bit back angry words. It wasn’t this man’s fault. And shouting at him wouldn’t do any good.
    He and Pete fed and watered the horse while the clerk went round the piles of equipment, searching for something. Luckily there was a small creek to one side, easily identified by the greenery round it, so none of them would go thirsty. When Daisy was happily munching from her nose bag, with a bucket of water beside her, Gil went back to see what was to happen next.
    ‘They did send some tents,’ the clerk said, as if that was something to be pleased about. ‘They’re good tents, too. Ex-Army.’
    ‘They didn’t erect them, though, did they? And by the time the people get here, it’ll be late afternoon – if we’re lucky it’ll still be light, but who knows?’ Gil prayed for patience. ‘Do you at least have a list of what equipment there should be?’
    ‘The list is supposed to be here waiting for us, because they weren’t sure what they could bring out this time round.’The man looked around as if expecting a list to waft into his hands.
    So they walked round the piles again, lifting things and poking around, but there was no sign of any paperwork, let alone a detailed list, just crates and piles of heavier equipment, corrugated iron and wood for the shacks, all sorts of bits and pieces.
    ‘I’ll, um, have to go back to Pemberton and find out what’s gone wrong,’ the official said. ‘Unfortunately, a foreman can’t take responsibility for things without a list, so you can’t use these yet.’
    Townies! Gil thought in disgust. Couldn’t organise a washday at a laundry, that lot couldn’t. And he’d bet the people in Pemberton would send up to Perth for instructions. ‘List or not, we need to get these tents up so that the settlers have somewhere to sleep tonight.’
    He waited, but the fellow didn’t make any suggestions about what to do next, so Gil had a quick think about the best way to sort things out since the settlers were already on their way here. ‘You drive him back to Northcliffe, Pete, and while you’re there you can see if anyone knows about this list. I’ll stay here and make a start on finding out exactly what they’ve given us.’ He smiled at the official. ‘I can make my own list. Will that satisfy you?’
    ‘But who’s to check it?’
    ‘I was a corporal in the Army and I’ve never been accused of dishonesty before,’ Gil said through gritted teeth. ‘Are you going to be the first to do it?’
    The man looked at him nervously, opened his mouth, then shut it again.
    ‘And bring some food back with you, Pete. I can’t find any here. We’ll have to feed them when they arrive.’
    ‘I’m not sure there’s authorisation for more food,’ the official said. ‘There was to be some left here. I’m sure if you look more carefully—’ He let out a squeak as Gil moved to stand nose to nose with him.
    ‘We’ve already checked that. There’s no – food – here , except for those loaves we brought with us from Pemberton. Good thing we had a bit of gumption, isn’t it? And the sense to put them in one of the big tin boxes we unpacked even without a list, or they’d be eaten by ants while we’re waiting for the settlers to arrive. You’d better find a way of authorising some more tinned food and potatoes, because I’m not staying if you don’t do that. Which will leave you to manage the settlers.’
    ‘And if he doesn’t stay, I won’t, either,’ Pete said at once, winking at Gil.
    ‘No, no! Don’t do that. I’ll authorise it myself. I’m sure if I write and explain why to my superiors, they’ll understand.’
    ‘Good. You do that. Write them a nice long letter. They’ll be able to file it carefully with all

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