Beauty And The Bookworm

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Book: Beauty And The Bookworm by Nick Pageant Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nick Pageant
tripping Shane when he passed me for the second time. When I saw the bench again, I decided it was time to stretch, after I sat down for a minute.
    Shane came jogging up. “You done already?”
    I did not lie. “Yeah,” I panted, “I think I might be having a heart attack.”
    He laughed. “You’re just not used to endurance training. Boxing’s more about short burst s of energy.”
    “That must be it. Have you got a while to go yet?”
    He plopped down on the grass. “No, I’m done. The race is next weekend. I think I should baby my ankle ‘til then. Get down here and we’ll stretch each other.”
    I sat on the grass and Shane moved opposite me so that the bottoms of our feet were touching. Then he reached out, grabbed my hands, and pulled me forward. My face hit my knees and I was glad because it partly muffled the scream I let out as all the muscles and tendons in my legs were shredded into ribbons.
    “Whoa! Are you okay?” Shane said with concern.
    “Yes… No, I guess I’m just not as limber as I thought.”
    Shane quirked an eyebrow. “I guess not.”
    We swapped jobs and I pulled Shane’s arms so his legs would stretch. It didn’t really work too well because of our difference in height. We finally gave it up and I watched Shane stretch on his own.
    He gave me that grin I loved when he was finished. “So, I think I’m healed up enough to get out and do something tonight. You want to hit a bar with me?”
    Alcohol and sitting? Mother may I? “Yeah, that sounds great.”
    “Good. A bunch of my friends are meeting up at Zippers. Do you know it?”
    I thought I knew every gay bar in Portland, but I’d never heard of it. “I don’t. And isn’t the name Zippers kind of obvious for a gay bar?”
    “It would be if it were a gay bar,” he laughed, “but it’s a juice bar.”
    A juice bar? Really? “So… no alcohol? Just… juice?”
    “We could go someplace else if you want. Do you like Rumors?”
    “No, Zippers it is. You probably need to talk strategy about the marathon with your friends, right?”
    “Right. Come on, I’ll give you a ride home.”
    Twyla had gone back to her place while I was out for my run. I was sad she was gone, but happy she was feeling strong enough to be on her own. I, however, still needed support. I called her. “Why did you desert me in my hour of need?”
    “What is your need?”
    “I have a date with Shane. We’re going to a juice bar.”
    “What’s a juice bar?”
    “Exactly. What do I do?”
    She sighed. “Have you guys had sex yet?”
    “You know we haven’t.”
    “Well, then, I guess you’re going to have to go. If you’d already fucked I’d say stay home and catch up on Drag Race. ”
    It was my turn to sigh. “You’re not helping.”
    “What do you want me to say?”
    “I don’t know. It’s just… I know the place is going to be full of people like Shane. I’m not going to fit in…”
    “Shut up.”
    “Look, Mason. Even though I feel like he’s stealing away the father of my child…”
    “He’s not.”
    “Let me finish. Even though he’s stealing you away, I think you should probably think about the fact that you never feel like you fit in anywhere. All you ever do is stay home and read. You fit with Shane, so fuck the rest of whoever these people are that go to something called a ‘juice bar.’”
    I felt a little insulted and a lot better. “You’re right. Fuck ‘ em.”
    Twyla sounded a little hesitant. “Ca n we talk about me for a second?”
    “Sorry, of course.”
    “I’ve got an ultrasound on Monday.”
    “Can I come?”
    “I love you, Mason.”
    I reluctantly decided not to wear a cardigan. I kind of felt like that night might be the night and I wanted to look at least kind of hot. I ended up in a polo and jeans tight enough to let the world debate the aesthetic merits of circumcision. Gran looked me up and down before I headed out the door. She shook her head and said, “You won’t

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