Getting Played (Heart of Fame #7)

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Book: Getting Played (Heart of Fame #7) by Lexxie Couper Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lexxie Couper
Josh is now a student at the Sydney Con?”
    “I did. His soccer career was killed due to an injury. A serious one.”
    “Apparently, he’s a bit of a wild one,” Jax said, picturing the young man he’d met at the Con who looked like a younger version of Nick. Now that he thought about it, Josh did walk with a limp. And a frown. “Remember how wild Nick was back in the day?”
    Samuel’s answering laugh was wry. “How wild we all were. Some of us are still there. Speaking of which, a name? Do I need to round up the rest of the guys and fly in to Sydney? We’re running out of time, you know. What’s she making you do?”
    Heavy tension wrapped Jax’s groin at Samuel’s question. “Why would she be making me do anything?”
    Another laugh sounded through the connection. “Because you stole her AC/DC record, you prick. And made her look like an idiot. And the pair of you were shacked up together talking about getting married when the shit hit the fan. And did I mention you stole her—”
    “All right, all right,” Jax grumbled. “You’ve made your point. I’ll get on it ASAP.”
    “Get on it, or get on her?”
    Jax swallowed. “What the fuck do you mean by that?”
    “It means I remember very well what you and Natalie were like. How you couldn’t keep your hands off each other. And how easy it was for you to become distracted by her.”
    “Blow me, Gibson. I’m here to get us a new lead singer. Not get laid.”
    Samuel laughed a third time. “Jax, you exist for getting laid. And frankly, getting laid with Natalie Thorton is your idea of heaven.”
    Jax snorted, even as the tight pressure in his groin spread throughout his body. “I’m ending this conversation now, fuck knuckle. I’ve got a movie premier to attend. If you’re lucky, I might ask Nat about a lead singer while we’re there. If I can tear myself away from making out with her, that is.”
    He killed the connection and tossed his phone to the bed before Samuel could say anything else in response.
    Jesus, what was it with both Nick and Samuel thinking he was going to let what he felt for Nat derail him?
    And what do you feel for Nat? Seeing her now after all these years?
    “Horny,” he muttered, heading for the suite’s bathroom. “Just horny. Nothing else.”
    Forty minutes later, a knock came at his suite door.
    For some reason, fresh nerves flooded Jax’s gut. Checking out his reflection one last time, he sucked a deep breath, gazed hard into his eyes, straightened his cuffs and walked through his suite to pull the door open.
    Nat cocked an eyebrow at him from the other side of the threshold, her lips twitching. “You open your own door?”
    He stared at her, absolutely incapable of speech. Fuck, she was stunning.
    She wore a shimmering ankle-length, body-hugging dress with the most plunging neckline Jax had ever seen, and he’d been to more than one MTV Video Award ceremony. A split ran up the right side, stopping just below her hip, revealing a distracting length of exquisite thigh. Her hair fell about her shoulders in a cascade of artfully messy waves and curls. Her eyes had never looked so seductive and sex-kittenish, framed as they were by smoky-grey shadow and jet-black lashes. Her lips…Jesus, how was he not kissing them right at this very second? How was he not pinning her to the bed and making love to her mouth? Slow, lush, languid love with his tongue and teeth and—
    “Mr. Campbell?”
    Jax blinked at Bruce’s alarmed voice. Swiping at his mouth—shit, why did he suddenly need a glass of water?—he forced a smile to his face. “You look good,” he said to Nat. What he wanted to say was she looked gorgeous. Beautiful. Incredible. But he’d only ever used those words when they were fucking. If he used them now, what would she think?
    “As do you.” She flicked a glance over him, the twitch on her red-glossed lips curling into a smile. “One could almost use the word irresistible .”
    A tight pressure fisted

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