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Book: Invincible by Sherrilyn Kenyon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sherrilyn Kenyon
a girlfriend.
    She glanced around nervously. “You want to sit down?” She stretched the words out like maybe she was as uncomfortable as he was.
    Oh no. Don’t tell me she’s going to give me the let’s be friends speech. He hated that SOB.
    “Uh, yeah.” His hands shaking, he pulled the vinyl chair back and took a seat. “Sorry I’m a space cadet today. My mom got me up way too early this morning, and I’m not fully awake after last night. Then Bubba had me helping clean his store. I could really go for a nap.” You’re yammering too much, and don’t talk about beds or she might think you’re inviting her to something that might offend her, or get you slapped. “How are you feeling?” Yeah, that was a safe topic.
    For both of them.
    “Glad to be alive.”
    The waitress came up to take their order. Nick started to tell her to bring him water when he remembered that for once he actually had cash from Kyrian and Mr. Poitiers. Thank God. He could even cover Kody’s tab. “Two orders of beignets and a chocolate milk for me.” He looked at Nekoda. “What would you like to drink?”
    “The milk sounds good. I’ll have that, too.”
    The waitress headed off.
    “Have you heard anything about what happened at school?” he asked her. School was usually another safe topic.
    “Not yet. What about you?”
    “Nothing, other than we have a new coach.”
    She looked as shocked as he’d been. “Really?”
    “Yeah, scary, right? I think they replaced the coach before they finished mopping the blood up in the hallway.” Nick cringed as soon as he heard those words come out of his mouth. Don’t talk about blood with a girl. Are you stupid?
    Luckily, she changed the subject for him. “How’s your arm feeling?”
    “Better. No pain at all today.”
    Then it was awkward again. But the one thing he was grateful for was the fact that she was still a girl. Plain and simple. Not a shape-shifter, vampire slayer, or a demon. Just another human being having a bite with him. It was good to be around normal again.
    “So do you like New Orleans?” he asked her. “Is it different from where you lived before?”
    “ Very different. But I like it. Except for the heat. I can’t believe it’s still this warm so late in October.”
    “Yeah, well, there’s an old saying here. If you don’t like the weather, wait a minute. We can swing from hot to cold faster than a turbo wash with a tankless system.”
    Nekoda felt her guard slipping as she laughed at his humor. It’s his demon glamour. Don’t fall for it. But it was hard. Nick Gautier was charming and sweet. Adorable.
    Gorgeous with eyes so blue, it should be a sin and thick brown hair that begged to be touched. At fourteen, the promise of the man he’d grow into was already there. The chiseled features and sharp intelligence. And even though he was lean, his muscle tone was perfect and showed that in time, his body would be well defined.
    The best part was, he had no idea just how handsome he was.
    Timid and unsure, yet he could tap some of the most destructive forces ever unleashed. Once he was grown, he would have the potential to become evil in its purest, coldest form. She must never lose sight of that.
    Still, his smile was infectious. His kindness touching.
    When she went to pay for her food, he stopped her and took care of the bill. He wouldn’t even let her tip the waitress.
    Then, he excused himself and took his change so that he could drop it in the trombone case for the street musicians. He didn’t keep a single cent of it.
    She arched a brow at that as he rejoined her and took a seat. “I thought you were really poor.”
    He blushed profusely. “I am, but I’ve got a new job that pays well, and I believe in sharing my good fortune whenever I have some. Lucas helps his daughter at school, so … I figured he needs it more than I do.”
    “That’s really sweet of you.”
    “I have moments of that, but don’t tell anyone. Let that be

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