Racing the Hunter's Moon (Entangled Bliss)
brought her knuckles to his lips.
    Betty’s legs felt weak as sensation flowed through her. “You look beautiful too.” Pulling him inside her room, pressing her mouth to his, and ripping off his tie and shirt to run her hands over the broad expanse of his chest was an errant thought that she itched to follow. We have a job to do. “We should go.”
    “Yes.” He released her hand and stepped back, looked away, and broke the spell.
    Joe linked his arm through hers as they walked. Once inside the ballroom, he released her, but kept his hand at the curve of her spine as they joined Leonora and Alexander at their table. She couldn’t take a step without being aware of him. Circular tables set with linen tablecloths and sparkling crystal glasses filled the dining room. The room was full of couples, filled with the murmur of many voices speaking, yet they could have been alone, so attuned to him was she.
    Leonora smiled. “I love your dress—is it a Pamella Roland?”
    Trust Leonora to know her designers. “It’s a couple of seasons old, but yes, it is.”
    Joe filled her glass with wine, and then his own.
    The rallymeister and the race organizers sat at a table on a makeshift stage, rather like the head table at a wedding, and once everyone had taken their seats, the rallymeister stood and tapped his glass with a knife.
    Silence descended.
    “We’ve had a great first day, everyone,” he said. “We’ve tallied the time cards, and I have winners’ jerseys for the driver and navigator who are in the lead at this stage.” He looked down and consulted his notes. “Flora and Mac Jackson, would you come up here?”
    The room applauded as Flora and Mac made their way to the stage to claim their jerseys. “Each day is timed separately—the team that does best overall will be the ultimate winner, but everyone has a chance to excel at the end of each day’s stage and claim the winners’ jerseys,” the rallymeister said. “Tomorrow is another day—so good luck everyone. I’m sure you’re all hungry, so I won’t keep you from your meal any longer. We’ll continue with the auction when we’ve all eaten.”
    He raised his glass. “Here’s to the end of the first day!”
    The meal was delicious. Thinly sliced beef and tiny roasted potatoes with butter-glazed peas and baby carrots, followed by an airy lemon mousse and fresh strawberries.
    “So what’s the route likely to be for tomorrow?” Joe asked.
    “You know the area better than me, Leonora,” Betty said. “But I know we are returning here tomorrow night, so I guess we could be looping around Hainsville and then back by the river road?”
    Leonora considered for a moment. “That’s one way, or they could have plotted a route farther into the mountains—around by Crystal Falls. There’s a road that doubles back through there somewhere.”
    “I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.” Joe covered Betty’s hand with his. “Have you ever competed in the rally before, Leonora?”
    “Oh yes.” She brushed a strand of her short, silvery hair back from her face. “But not for years. My husband loved the rally. This is the first time I’ve done it without him, though.” Her smile looked forced. When she picked up her wineglass, her hand trembled almost imperceptibly. “I think I’ll freshen up before the auction begins.” Her eyes flashed a plea Betty’s direction.
    Obeying it, Betty responded. “I’ll join you.”
    They left the men at the table and made their way from the crowded dining room.
    On the way to the bathroom, Leonora tugged at Betty’s arm and jerked her head in the direction of an empty room off the lobby. “I don’t want to be overheard,” she hissed as they hurried inside.
    “What’s up?”
    Leonora couldn’t stand still. She paced back and forth in the silent room.
    “Alexander mentioned an investment opportunity this afternoon in the car. He said he knew a company that was going to float on the stock

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